/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Going to play video games today.

nth for funposting

you wake up in ancient white america
wat do?

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Ohio is correct

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man a lot has changed in ~100 years...

getting drunk and its ok because i dont have a job anymore. remind me to make a grilled cheese later.

Grill deez nuts

I've always wondered how people in the past could stand to wear suits all the time. It would be too hot here to wear those all the time. This was also back when it wasn't uncommon for people to only bathe once a week. The people must have reeked.

My sister does research at a university there.

The automobile revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Ancient WASP race

It's super early, user.
You okay?


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Cars really did ruin cities. It's a shame most US cities developed with cars in mind. You can't walk to places. There is no sense of community. Cities are stained with ugly parking lots taking up so much land.


That's a good question.
I can't stand the heat while I'm in a t-shirt and shorts. It must've been unbearable.


The American flag would be prettier without the stripes. I would gladly fly a flag of stars against blue.

>Please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't be shitty metal
>is once again shitty metal

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It was colder then

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I won't say.
I'm paranoid like that.

Wow good album choice for once sash-e

>There is no sense of community.
Cars didn't ruin communities, in fact you could argue that "car culture" fostered much sense of community in the past. ford v chevy etc

>his was also back when it wasn't uncommon for people to only bathe once a week
did they

All metal is shitty metal tho

no im running out of money. i got my furlough letter over a month ago. the unemployment benefits are a meme. i saw some guys beat each other at the supermarket earlier. apparently one of them cut in line.

Theme for people who need something a bit calmer.


did you not apply for federal benefits?

sashy is a very gay name

Incoming sash lecture

Jesus, I'm so sorry to hear that.
How long is the furlough supposed to last?

Well that suits him and his propensity for sucking on dong

I haven't showered for 3 days and my body itches all over

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no it's arizona

it's not shittyyyy aaaahhhh
ehh thanks, although i have been always posting good albums?
this is also good i guess


i did. the website doesnt work. i went and sent a paper application weeks ago. I was finally able to reach someone by phone this past friday, they told me they were swamped and it might take 4-6 weeks to get my first check lol.

supposedly when the situation is clear we get back to work. but nobody knows when that is. i work for an airline.

time to go to work again for literally the whole day

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Who was meth state?

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They’re Mexican. Why would I care what they’ve to say about anything


You'll feel a lot better if you do.

the water and air has never been so clean
I love Corona Chan


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>i did. the website doesnt work. i went and sent a paper application weeks ago. I was finally able to reach someone by phone this past friday, they told me they were swamped and it might take 4-6 weeks to get my first check lol.
and some real geniuses are wondering why some people are protesting to get back to work

no offense, but that's gross
take a shower immediately, you'll feel better, trust me

I love urban renewal now.

>although i have been always posting good albums?

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yeah, just need to find the strength to undress

it's truuuuueeee

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Fuck, that's just unfair.

I'm sure you can find it

check this out


>Florida has emerged as one of the slowest states in the nation to process an avalanche of unemployment claims since the coronavirus hit.


I don't call you gross for sucking dick or eating your own sperm. Where do you get off calling me gross?

By continuing to embarrass yourself in this manner you embarrass us all. Maybe a different thread, perhaps in /trash/, would be more suitable for the likes of you.

in the oven now, think I'm in for a treat.


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Procrastinating on assignment involving material that was never taught due to corona

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>extremely virulent
>causes permanent damage
>recovery doesn't guarantee immunity
Dare I say, based?

My state's unemployment website died almost immediately, dunno if it's back up yet or not. Thankfully I've been able to work though this corona shit.

my city is as polluted as ever

>going to school


Is that supposed to be a keto thing? Sounds vile.

can't even name one productive thing ive done all year

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Not bathing is pretty gross.

>extremely virulent
>causes permanent damage
>recovery doesn't guarantee immunity
This is description of Mexicans in America


I think for people with sensitive poopers

at least you typed a lot of memes and posted a lot of stupid pictures!

Damn, that horrid smell is ME!

Sash eats his own spunk??

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most fags do

interesting, report back on how it tastes!

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>cauliflower crust


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I just wanted to try it. Sounds good to me

things will get better user, you gotta have faith
sven, i didn't meant to insult you, but not taking a shower or bathing for 3 days it's just very anti hygienic
i'm not embarrassing myself, what are you talking about?
i'm clearly joking with the previous posts btw, i ain't being serious

Ahah I troll you

i've heard of cauliflower flour before, that's probably what it's made of

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>Crust made with Real Cauliflower
At least it's not Fake Cauliflower i guess

How, do people still have to work in Mexico?

It's just "cauliflower rice"

Sayaka deserved to die, just saying.
The only good people were Mami and Madoka.