
Yes, YOU!
Do you have any Yas Forumsernational friends or pen pals?

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my gf is from another country and i keep in touch with a canadian who came here for a school exchange
that's it


What country is she from user? Have you fugged?

from japan unironically
yes of course, she's been here twice now and i've been there a couple of times, planning to move together this year

You're going to create a Russian

>from Japan
How did you meet?

no :(

I don't have friends

that's fine by me, i like russians
i went there for a month in 2019 and met here there
also went for three weeks, just made it back before the borders were close because of corona-chan haha

*this year

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I play vidya with my friends on discord, they are from France, Italy, Germany, USA and even a dude from Egypt.
It's hard match up hours thanks to fucking time zones but we make it work.
Been friends since 2007-2008, something like that.

German friends, Andi, Roger, and Mikl
Dutch friend, Luuk
French friend, Flippy

Be frens with each other

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two round-headed russians who like to talk about political conspiracies, a finnish heroin addict, and an armenian gopnik who sends me porn links that i never open. i have poor taste in company

What did you do for them then?

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No ;(

I don't even have national friends

Yeah, quite a few.
Gf is foreign to begin with. Also in my closest friend circle I have an Croat and and Kazak (actually some "German-Russian") and I know a dude from the UK for many years that I plan to visit for quite some time now.

no but I'd like to

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i dont understand. we're friends, they're just kind of criminals. we get drunk on videochat. two of them dont speak english at all, so we play word games and things. it's fun

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Gib discord

I am not interested in HRT

>dont speak english at all, so we play word games
But, how..?

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but i have ppl on discord from int
if they see me post it they will laugh at me unironically

Yeah, I've picked up a menagerie of internet weirdos during my time online

>make account complete with a face pic, people only look at my profile
>change profile pic to semi-nude pic and add that I'm gay on my profile, guys start messaging me, especially white guys at least 10 years older than me

>do you call people on discord “friends”?
Aren’t they “strangers”? You’re talking with them via internet.

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pantomiming, pointing at objects, drawing pictures, spelling things out. it's not very efficient communication, but it's fun with drunks and i always learn new words and phrases. yandex helps

>it sounds fun indeed

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