What are your thoughts on the Nordic phenotype?
What are your thoughts on the Nordic phenotype?
nothing worse than being nordic
Dios mio...cuida me...la pesadilla...el ogro del norte...
ah yes, this is me
Surely fake they dont look same at all
Are you face blind?
It's over
I don't pay attention to "phenotypes"
Surely you do since phenotype just means what people look like.
>What are your thoughts on the Nordic phenotype?
It's perfect and I wish I personally possessed it
Simple looks handsome here
Strong mongol genes
Depends on which one
Nords have the best genes
We invented all civilizations especially Greece and Rome
Happened to me as well, not that badly but still
my ancestor :)
Don't forget that we bring civilization to you first.
The cope on this thread ay
t. mongolo
goddamn, i actually muttered loudly "fuuuck" when i saw what became of him
Aren't you ashamed of the rapebabies you created?
black people but pale
No, arent you?
Best phenotype
I pay attention to individual appearences like most.
I don't pay attention to what look fits in whatever particular "phenotype"
orange man good