2020 Norway

Men in Norway only want one thing, and it's disgusting

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Are you okay, Sutreanon?

same over here

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what is that thing that norwegian men want?

i just want sex, nothing discusting about that.

Gaysex? It's beautiful.

why would any ethnic norwegian in norway suffer such fate of an incel? I am an indian transplanted in this country with crappy genetics and even crappier accent and the reputation of the country. Even I got 2 matcher of 5/10s on tinder, which I declined as I have high standards

never said i was an incel


>1950's Americana
What does that have to do with Norway?

small norweigan brains on display itt

Never forget what they took away from yiu

There is a shortage of females in Norway.
0/10 girls can have a 10/10 chad here no problem

But you are norwegian, you are supposed to be handsome and have very nice upbringing

>be married
>have a child
>have a full-time job
>just bought a house and will pay it off in 18 years
Just believe in yourself.

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Yes. I remember this fat slag I worked with. She was a nice girl to talk to but nothing more. There was always chads around her in the pubs those times our work place went out to have a beer.

Look user, such is life. I can't give you any advise as I happen to be a virgin at 22 too. So, I don't know man, just wait till you find someone decent.

We have to share on the few women who are in Norway.

There are few things worse than ethnics not being able to pull of their own women. Didn't you grow up with some? Also as I said, I am very bad at advises just ask a chad or something.

We suffers in Norway

Fake, Norwegian men are Vikings n shieet and all women want them. You just need to go to the gym.

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bro I lived with an alcoholic father, domestic violene in actual 3rd world poverty. You've everything that humans want from god

Did she get a PHD in Sexology?

Ew, how pathetic. Imagine your wildest dream being just like your ancestors, doing the same shit over and over. Cleaning your kid's shit, arguing with your wife, wasting money over both. Yikes.

Enjoy life, you only got this one. Travel, explore, try new things, fuck, do drugs, play in a band.

>Ew, how pathetic. Imagine your wildest dream being just like your ancestors, doing the same shit over and over. Cleaning your kid's shit, arguing with your wife, wasting money over both. Yikes.
ultra based
>Travel, explore, try new things
>fuck, do drugs
>play in a band
based only if its a metal band

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Wrong, Nords are not meant to live like this.

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nords are supposed to be barbarian vikang adventurers but nowdays they can just kill themsleves, nobody would notice anyways.

Sad, the could be so much more.

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>nobody would notice the difference anyways

Imagine if your ideal lifestyle is to be sent as cannon fodder to the front.

Go fuck yourself with all that military bullshit you pussy ass bitch

Why do all based posts come from wog flags like ours?

>... for an entire year is no life worth living

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Because Greeks are the true masterrace, and Italians followed your teachings.