Straight lines

>straight lines
what is this abomination

Attached: Australian_states_history_16.png (220x205, 33.51K)

Yours are the same you leaf mong

>muh straight lines bad


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Attached: 1-ca.jpg (1000x470, 87.17K)

Old World still has borders which still relate to historical empires.we don't have that here, I can't see how it could be anything else. I believe the only natural border is Victoria/NSW which is a river

>Old World still has borders which still relate to historical empires
not so much historical empires nowadays as cultural / linguistic borders

there isn't a single thing of note anywhere near the borders except tweed heads

t. zang
it is i hate it desu


Attached: 20200426_140711.png (1200x1038, 316.52K)

Not really, where is Prussian borders? Khalmar Union borders? Ottoman borders? Yugoslavia borders? Austria-Hungary borders? All of em... GONE

>Khalmar Union borders?
Where did you get the h from?

Attached: Kalmar_Union_ca._1400.svg.png (800x742, 139.24K)

Yeah all of those were empires which included different ethnicities so you just proved my point

I don't get why new worlders never adopted a system of state/provinces that's based on population density rather than some stupid straight lines in the middle of nowhere. Draw a large circle around every large Australian city to make sure you don't need to update the border for the next century or so and what's outside those circles would be one large low population density State.
Same could be done in France desu. A large circle around each of the top 14 largest cities and the rest would be 1 single large Région called "buttfuck nowhere"

>Not really, where is Prussian borders? Khalmar Union borders? Ottoman borders? Yugoslavia borders? Austria-Hungary borders? All of em... GONE
I have no idea how what you're saying here contradicts what the austrian. If anything, you seem to be contradicting yourself.

It's 90% desert so who cares where a border goes?

Means no connection to the land, no history.

Post improvements then.

Ta gueule, parisien du merde

based but France is perfect

I'm not Parisian nor from its suburb
The Région merger that happened 5 years ago turned our Qt small régions into ugly bloated regions to look more like Germany's Länders

Yugoslav, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian borders still exist today


but no Eastern.....who came up with these names?

>I'm not Parisian nor from its suburb
Then where are you from, urbanite?
>turned our Qt small régions into ugly bloated regions
Autism. Larger regions are more effective and we should do the same thing in Sweden desu.

>Larger regions are more effective
In theory, if everything goes according to a well thought out plan yes. But our region merger was badly thought out and incompetently led so as a result several administrative reports have shown that while a region merger COULD have been a good thing the way we did it just made the administrative mess that France is even worse

>Then where are you from, urbanite?
I'm from the countryside btw. Plateau Vivarais-Lignon

Also what the fuck is the point of having communes? It's kind of cute that every single village you visit has it's own maire and a cute mairie but it doesn't really seem effective.

>I'm from the countryside btw. Plateau Vivarais-Lignon
So when you were calling the rest of France buttfuck nowhere you were basically projecting? Isn't Vivarais-Lignon located on la diagonale du vide?

>straight lines
Lines of latitude and longitude

>having just one mairie

Attached: MairiesdeFursac_(1).jpg (3648x2736, 3.15M)

Wait wtf is going on here??

2 communes in 1 village