Why do German girls love Turkish men so much?

Why do German girls love Turkish men so much?

Attached: german-girl-turkish-man.jpg (743x863, 132.58K)

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We need to go back to a time when people were beheaded for this stuff

That woman is so disgusting.
Godo thing i will never touch a womans dirty vagina except for my waifu Mei.

Attached: 1587718610153.png (1280x824, 968.44K)

Don't care
Didn't ask
Plus I already have my waifu

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>Turkish men
the concept is amusing

when will you people learn that only 14 to 16 year old german girls like foreign guys

when they get older they only date germans
you don't see any german girls in their 20s with turks, afghans or kurds

>those fingers and nails
thats the easiest way to spot a turk/arab bimbo

stop posting

Because German men are cucks who enjoy seeing their women fucked by foreign BVLLS

>When they are 13 yr old whores they go around fucking all Mena and black men and having fun and into their 20s they look for a relationship with white guy
Makes sense yup


take you pills, cuck

she is German

How can you tell?

>German men literally settle for the used goods of immigrants
can't make this shit up

>stop posting that germs don't like mehmets

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In reality minorities whine about german women not liking them. Turks import a ton of women from home.

>when will you people learn that 14 to 16 year old german girls like foreign guys
everyone knows this
>when they get older they only date germans

It's taken in Germany and she is clearly white.

cringe moment

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how common is german male/turkish female?

>Turks import a ton of women from home.
Based, German male + turkish female is awesome.

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yeah and until they reach 20 they are already gangbanged by 20 turkish men. enjoy your used up girls :D

It is hard to tell without looking at her face, but she could easily be Turkish as they took are light skinned.

>when will you people learn that only 14 to 16 year old german girls like foreign guys
So they only like Turkish men when they are at their peak?


No they also import men, usually some fucking cousin or something. Muslim women cant marry nonmuslims..

the german coping method

little dick

Lol, Turkish men getting the disgusting German women

So Turksare dicklets and soft to boot.

This most usually happens in areas under Turkish occupation. German girls mostly avoid non-Whites because they are aware of your inferior genetics.

>little dick
>Lol, Turkish men getting the disgusting German women
>So Turksare dicklets and soft to boot.
>This most usually happens in areas under Turkish occupation. German girls mostly avoid non-Whites because they are aware of your inferior genetics.

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>brit talking about inferior genetics
Ironic. There's only a handful of good looking people there and they become celebs because of how rare they are.

>Being soft in rough/forced sex

Please delete this



Yeah but at least they have sex which is something you incels can only dream about