Today I learned that Anglo metal bands put random umlauts on letters because they look "cool"

Today I learned that Anglo metal bands put random umlauts on letters because they look "cool".

>Among English speakers, the use of umlaut marks and other diacritics with a blackletter typeface is a form of foreign branding intended to give a band's logo a Teutonic quality—connoting stereotypes of boldness and brutality presumably associated with Germanic and Nordic cultures. Its use has also been attributed to a desire for a "gothic horror" feel

>When Mötley Crüe visited Germany, singer Vince Neil said the band couldn't figure out why "the crowds were chanting, Mutley Cruh! Mutley Cruh!"
>The British speed metal-band Tröjan causes ridicule in Swedish, as the umlaut changes the meaning from the intended Trojan into the the much more mundane "The jumper"
I know that metal is a low IQ genre but are these people mentally disabled or something? They unironically think that a pair of fucking dots make them look like "fearsome Germanic warriors". And then they actually get confused when people pronounce these letters as they are to be pronounced. Do Anglos legit think that we use umlauts for some kind of effect? To show that we are Germanic?

Ffs, how would you even function properly in society if you're this fucking stupid?

Attached: Anglo umlauts.png (615x700, 222.75K)

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looks pretty cool though

I love metal but the image that they all try and project of super hardcore badass psychos is cringe as fuck, you're musicians for fucks sake get out of the woods, wash your face and grow the fuck up

Those are all boomer metal though.


Beacause omslaut = german = nazi
It's very simple you swedish nigger


>Beacause omslaut = german = nazi
1. It's umlaut, not omslaut
2. It exists in all Germanic languages except Dutch and English.
3. German doesn't equal nazi, are Anglos really this fucking stupid?

Also we use the ü too the dots don't make it a different vowel. It's just used to show that a letter isn't mute when it should.

>1. It's umlaut, not omslaut
>2. It exists in all Germanic languages except Dutch and English.
German is the only relevant language besides english
Nobody cares about what you speak
>3. German doesn't equal nazi, are Anglos really this fucking stupid?
German = nazi in the minds of most people
Now fuck off swedish nigger

The trojan part is so pathetic to be real. LMAO
Queensryche is good

Is it the wehraboo swede again?

Yes, like Agüero

Most people.

Crüe would sound pretty French and gay, tbqh.
Öyster would sound like a stupid east german accent.
Also we do not put dots über the "y".

Here in Finland we add an å to a name to make it seem more gay
>Hello I am Janne
>Hello I am Jånne
now it sounds gay as hell

But most words with Umlauts sound funny. Especially if you replace a normal letter. They are also used a lot in dimunitive forms. Likw Katze - Kätzchen. Hose - Höschen. Baum - Bäumchen.

>The trojan part is so pathetic to be real
Nope, they literally named their metal band "the jumper".
>German = nazi in the minds of most people
No you're just an autistic Anglo.

Janne is a Swedish name. Swedes don't use Finnish names, because we don't need to seek your approval 24/7

Attached: 0ae5e3ef0b3021c5d7dcb9d644d21f6a.jpg (856x1141, 161.56K)

we don't give a shit about other cultures, we just do whatever we want
you've already put a billion times more thought into it than they did

For me it is Eastern Yuro/Russian Goregrind

german = nazi
everybody knows this

i don't care, it's what people think

>i don't care, it's what people think

Then your people are idiots.

Attached: moose.png (612x330, 8.91K)

>a møøs
Ahaha wtf is this stupid shit

I doubt Anglos can even pronounce Ö/ö

it's everywhere outside of germany
if you ask anybody about german steorotypes is cars, robot personalities and nazis

It's a subtitle joke from some monty python credits.

Attached: subs.png (1150x644, 168.7K)

>I doubt Anglos can even pronounce Ö/ö
A long ö is pronounced like the "u" as in "burden"
A short one sounds la little bit like the "u" in "must" except you shouls just keep your lips the exact same way as when pronouncing "burden".

At least that's how it works in Swedish were ö=ø

>nøt trei ą høliday in Sweden this yër?
We don't even use any of those letters

Attached: Disgust.png (500x436, 285.63K)

They also made a 30-minute production where they make fun of the Norwegians

Attached: moose2.png (1094x541, 148.55K)

I dont care about that, but dont make band names sound like the most faggy shit ever because you think it looks german.

That's not how it works in Icelandic with Ö, unlike Ö and Ø in Swedish and Norwegian
Seems like in Swedish/Norwegian its [øː] and in Icelandic its [œː]
And upon looking into both Norwegian and Swedish alphabets, it seems like you along with Anglos can't pronounce [œː], as the sound doesn't exist in any of your alphabets.

>And upon looking into both Norwegian and Swedish alphabets, it seems like you along with Anglos can't pronounce [œː], as the sound doesn't exist in any of your alphabets.
Meh, pronounce a vocaroo with the sound.