"I would not marry an Asian or Black guy"

>"I would not marry an Asian or Black guy"
>"I don't like the appearance of Arab men"
>"Slavic appearance is closer to my heart"
>"We prefer our kids to be white"


I fell for the Yas Forums meme telling me being brown would get me a qt euro gf, in reality i am viewed as a subhuman in their eyes, i can literally see the antipathy in the gaze of the average euro woman as i walk the streets

You lied to me Yas Forums

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stop thinking memes are real

Well it's just like for everything, you've got to be a brown Chad.

Based euros maintaning their race

Why are women always more racist when it comes to dating?

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they say that on camera

People here are racist, they dont even know they are, its pretty common for racist to date minority, i am gypsy and slept with many women who had less than favorable opinion about us. Honestly i dont know how they justify it but i dont really care

because women need to be more careful when selecting who they date, since men are stronger, and on subconscious level people who look like you appear more safe

based gypsy.
tell me about your lifestyle

of course she wouldn't marry a black guy

she wants the BBC and she wants cracKKKa cucks to pay for it

>>"I would not marry an Asian or Black guy"
>>"I don't like the appearance of Arab men"
>>"Slavic appearance is closer to my heart"
>>"We prefer our kids to be white"

Man, imagine a westerner girl saying those things. She would get crucified.

>"I would not marry an Asian or Black guy"
Based. Thats why my ancestors raped Ukrainian girls.

>subconscious level people who look like you appear more safe
You're an incel definitely, no you mongrel they don't chose the same race because they feel safer, it's because nature works like that. If Africans decided to mix with asians blacks would disappear and asians would disappear.

your fault for falling for memes
only white trash date brown guys

Not every white person is Ukrainian

How come you chose Ireland to immigrate to? Seems like a unusual choice?

your ancestors WERE ukrainian girls

I find it funny how modern white societies are tilted in favor of ethnic men and still fucking fail

>Job quotas to hire you based on your race
>Educational quotas to accept you into uni, without merit
>Over represented in the media and shoehorned into everything
>Aren't routinely dragged through social media/news and vilified like white men are

And yet you're still all incels

Ask that same question in Birmingham and it will be a different story

make money
go to raves
try to self improve

its pretty boring rn not gonna lie with the lock downs

im opposite of incel, first time i had sex girl made me drunk and dragged me to bed

>it's because nature works like that


I think he posted Ukrainians because they are allowed to say things like that on camera. Westerner white girls not liking minorities is seeing as very racist on the West and so, people are not free to voice their true opinion. But that's just my 2 cents.

No, thats the difference between marriage and rape.
They just left after their pillage and rape.

You can just fuck and leave while women have a risk to get pregnant.

temujin's ancestors had blonde hair and blue eyes
das rite

Only niggers are shoehorned into everything. When's the last time you've seen an Indian or any other non-black ethnic in a commercial or TV show?

And many Ukrainian girl marry rich old asian men.

How many Slavic women he raped?

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Ukrainians are proud to be slavic and white
..Russian answers will be opposite tho

they have to make money somehow lol

>you've seen an Indian or any other non-black ethnic in a commercial or TV show?

?? Have you seen the new spiderman or any new movie for that matter lol

You're living on another planet if you think every country is the us

>to be slavic and white
Choose one.

>Russian answers will be opposite tho
Bcs Russians aren't slavs.

The reason niggers are shoehorned into commercials and movies in regards to interracial relationships is because they are big and aggressive. The media creates a false impression in the Negro mind that white women want them but when they are rejected in reality, they get angry and rape them or worse. Ultimately just another part of White Genocide plan, all the advertising companies are Jewish owned.

Average brown guy checking in here, it really is over for us. Ethnic men need to give up and hand over our women to BWC

>make money
>go to raves
>try to self improve
based af

I should add to this: my dick is only 3.5 inches, it never even began