25 years old

25 years old.

Never had sex.
Never kissed.
Never had a girl show interest in me.
Haven't had friends in 6 years.
No driver's license.
Never went to a party.
Never got drunk.
Skinnyfat and short.
Dark circles under eyes.
10cm/4" penis.

It's over.

Attached: 1529630635193s.jpg (249x208, 4.43K)

>10cm/4" penis.

you can still get drunk

How short? Do you want to be my gf (male)?

Same here, and I have herpes.
Life sucks I'll be a virgin forever

19 years old.

Never had sex.
Never kissed.
Never had a girl show interest in me.
Haven't had friends.
No driver's license.
Never went to a party.
1,78 cm
Normal hair.
Dark circles under eyes.
14cm penis

It's over

how?? you live in Brazil.

newfag get out

I'm shy as fuck, literally not human tier.
Come on dude If I get out of Yas Forums I will kms.

I don't dude. Out of nowhere appeared a few bubbles in my lips

You can work on it.

There are products and even surgery to fight it, baldness is not a fatality.

very similar stats to me, but even worse, how did you manage to fuck up so bad?

I think that's just cold sores, it's a type of herpes and most people have it.

Using products for baldness is cringe. Just shave it and grow a beard.
Also get roided

no drivers license
18 cm dick
but my ass is fucking huge and ridiculous

Why it doesn't go away? I has been a few months with that

Sounds based to me. Don't fall for the normies' lies.

22 years old

>had sex multiple times with only one girl for 4,5 years
>kissed many qt3.14s
>girls show interest in me every fucking time and I just can't care
>have not so many friends probably 2
>got my drivers license last year, just drive my parents car all around town
>went to a bunch of parties before but nowadays I don't go anymore
>I look very youngish and juvile
>skin looks great even though I smoke
>15cm penis

I still want to kill myself

I'm a fucking mess, I can't deal with the world but I just keep going on and try to get better day by day

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>>had sex multiple times with only one girl for 4,5 years
You are luck then.
>.girls show interest in me every fucking time and I just can't care

>ahhhh...FUCK YOU THEN
That's a cope user,

Some people actually can't grow a beard, actually you can have surgery to get one, which is rather similar to hair transplant.

>Never had sex.
have sex, and then you see that nothing changed and it wasn't a big deal
>Never kissed.
same than before.
>Never had a girl show interest in me.
you must show interest in yourself before anybodyelse
>Haven't had friends in 6 years.
well, i don't know what to say about it, i guess this sucks.
>No driver's license.
public transport is not that bad
>Never went to a party.
you are not missing anything
>Never got drunk.
just buy some beers and drink it.
>Skinnyfat and short.
me too and it didn't stop me of having a gf and some lovers
grow a bear
>Dark circles under eyes.
just like everybody else
>10cm/4" penis.
doesn't mater, by the time the girls realize the size of your dick you already score.

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Get out of my thread.

Then it must be syphilis



33 years old

Never had sex.
Had a girl show interest in me (multiple, actually).
Have have friends in past 6 years (none currently).
Driver's license.
Went to a party.
Got drunk.
6', 194 lbs
Dark circles under eyes.
6" penis

How did I do lads?

Attached: 8kjtvkp07s941.jpg (640x642, 51.21K)

Why are normies always such lying filth?

>You had a gf and lovers
Why are you talking to me? You live in a different dimension.

Haven't done most of those things either, and I genuinely don't care that I haven't. I never understood why faggots enjoy making feels threads, are you addicted to self-pity or what?

Posts from failed normalfags are somehow more pathetic than posts from robots.

They try to cheer you

have sex

They can't understand some people born to be ignored.
I don't understand that too, I feel like a subhuman but I honestly don't want people to feel bad for me. I'm just a Piece of shit, If you want to feel bad for other people, pay attention to disabled people, people with hunger, miserable children etc
I deserve no pitty just because im pathetic. I only deserve contempt.