Cash in hand ONLY edition
Wynne Godley (26 September 1926 – 13 May 2010) was an economist famous for his pessimism toward the British economy and his criticism of the British government.
Very based Austrian jump boots
here we are then... the lads
Just don't mug yourself, /brit/ that's all, don't mug yourself
Any gaymer in?
the more i think on it the more i really don't see the logic in brexit i mean you're either with europe or you're not and unless britain sprouts legs it's not going anywhere so why make it difficult to what purpose
if you don't support the dprk, you are not a socialist
nah nah nah
see what i mean
because tying the relatively functional British government to the absolute basket cases that some european countries have is retarded
playing some cod rn
stunning act of heroism, this.
nah seriously man
>the relatively functional British government
hey girl, want to watch some torture hentai and listen to suicidal depressive black metal?
woah you're cool
a combination of a weak monarch and allowing reliance on the EU to fulfil many government functions has atrophied the British government. It's not beyond saving but Brexit is a key part of that
Whenever I see this I now suspect money laundering.
oh god yes
rate the new cop
Just don’t wanna pay taxes simple as
can't believe arsene did this
still freaks my nut until this day
>foreigners that give up on making a 'th' sound and just made a 'd' or a 'f' sound instead
>British government
>relatively functional
some french ear kino
some of you might appreciate it
i reckon you should be thrown in the slammer
going to shoot yourself with it?
it is though. most countries are completely and utterly fucked. For all that edgelords like to wank on about how bad it is here we're doing well compared to so much of the world
all the tradies doing this got fucked by corona cause they can't get the max amount of stimulus from the govt
I'm licensed
suicide is pathetic
wheres the scope haha?
>natives that give up on making a 'th' sound and just made a 'd' or a 'f' sound instead
looking at you "souf"
Iran, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Syria, DPR Korea, Vietnam and Laos are the good guys.
compare yourselves to the rest of the world, even some of your contemporaries in Europe, and you're doing genuinely very well
Albeit trying to get Brexit done did put a big dent on that
Alexa, what is "Laos"?
ugh, that's one of her worst
now that
is peak Céline