Is homosexuality (gay men or lesbian women) accepted in your country? If so, since when, and if not, why?

Is homosexuality (gay men or lesbian women) accepted in your country? If so, since when, and if not, why?

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>If so, since when

The last 10 years or so. The police in this worthless shithole used to cover up the murders of gay people.

My country is pretty much the initiator of gay acceptance globally.

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One half wants to exterminate them, the other half are them.

They can legally marry since last year

welcome to the first world

Gays and Lesbians are accepted by basically anyone who isn't an immigrant or underclass.

BUT the public opinion of trans people, and trans rights in the UK, are some of the worst in Europe.

For comparison, being trans is more socially accepted in Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica and even Peru than in the UK.
And New Zealand considered the discrimination against trans people so bad in the UK, that it offers asylum to British trans people, as it does for Russian and Middle Eastern LGBT people.

We had eingetragene Partnerschaften already before but full marriage only since last year

we were the first country to legalize sexual intercourse between two consenting males


I hope you finally managed to get laid one day, just so you have a gay kid.

perfect desu
nothing wrong with fags but any sane person knows that trannies should never be enabled

Same here (to a lesser extend, but you’d here about it from time to time). IDK why idiots GAF


Not really.
Soviet dinosaurs, memetics.

I think young people are getting more okay with it as time goes on.

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>I think young people are getting more okay with it as time goes on.
Easily influenced by ZOG. Everyone can love anyone! Yeah! Especially if it's good for the market.

Why do gay people age better?

Imagine what they're assholes look like after 40 years of fucking?

Skin products
Lower testosterone

>used to cover up the murders of gay people.

1. their
2. don't help me to a filthy mental image like that
nigga looks like a star wars pozzed villain
also, more realistically, the absence of a woman and children in a man's life probably has a rejuvenating effect
if you're willing to accept waking up to see an aging man groping your ass, where a wife should be then you're probably going to see another 20 years added to your life

Why are Russians so closeted?

>if you don't eat soup, you're soup

What if I identify myself as a lesbian man, you conservative and non-inclusive scum?

Your thread offends me

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I've got lots of pictures and videos I could show you, but unfortunately I can't post them here :(

This is the curse of straight people desu.
When you look at straight people do you instantly think of their sex lives? Do you look at some old lady and think about her pussy immediatley?

When its gay people they can't help but speculate on their sexual activities.

I want a bf so bad it hurts

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7 in 10 deaths from gang-bashing of gays are straight men walking alone met by a gang of losers, probably containing one or more closeted fags.
Australia has been the 2nd biggest gay centre of the world since the 80s. After the Stonewall riots Sydney welcomed the whole gay culture and expression thing and nobody cares because the gay dollar is huge.
San Francisco is still the gay centre of the world tho.
Caring about faggotry is seen as an IQ test here, if you're angry about it, you're a dumb cunt who should settle down, if you're angry enough to be violent, you're a closet fag and you get stuck in prison with all the other dumb cunts with issues and nobody cares.

Yes it is. It is accepted legally, and it is accepted socially in any part of the country worth living in.
Me too, I think about it all the time

Are u gay?

>When its gay people A SMALL NUMBER OF US can't help but speculate on their sexual activities.

>Do you look at some old lady and think about her pussy immediatley?
Maybe if I'm horny.

cultures in decline are open, complex and permissive, cultures on the rise are closed, simple and uncompromising.
Russia, the white Africa, lives permanently in the shit-tier position of 'about to rise' with all the worst of what goes with that, but none of the potential. If they didn't have a little oil they'd be tundra goblins and you wouldn't have heard of them.

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After our state voters rejected a ban, it was basically allowed. Then the Supreme Court legalized nationwide a few years later anyway.

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Based horny aussie

They have all the legal rights they could ask for and the vast majority of people are too polite to criticize or discriminate against them. Still they will never truly be accepted, they will always be seen as the "other"