Proud to be from my country? No, I'm proud to be from Europe

>Proud to be from my country? No, I'm proud to be from Europe.

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>Not enjoying giving Daily Mail readers aneurysms

I for one enjoy the privilege of being able to emulate Paul Atreides, by turning positive remarks about Europe into words of death.


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Makes me angry as well... I'm scared of zoomers going full Eurosuperstate mode


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France is gay. All Frenchmen should be killed and erased from history with the exceptions of Maurice Ravel and William Bougueraue.

>Proud to be from my country? No, I'm proud to be from my province and proud of my digits.

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Based and checked

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incredibly based

impressive. very nice

Holy based

France is gay. All Frenchmen should be killed and erased from history with the exceptions of no one.

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holy based

>pride? no thanks, pride is a sin.

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>haha le epic numbers!!!! based!!!! random numbers did the thing!!!!!! so based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>>haha le epic numbers!!!! based!!!! random numbers did the thing!!!!!! so based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Seething lardass.

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>>haha le epic numbers!!!! based!!!! random numbers did the thing!!!!!! so based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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shut up fat

fat up shut

very nice

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>I am a proud citizen of the U.S.E. (United States of Europe)

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based, European unification is our only hope now against Russia,China,US or the third world shitholes with 600 gassilions million people


>I stand with Greece!
>We must stop the invaders from coming into our lands!
>Deus vult!

>I am proud to be from 'artificially created constract XY' because I have no qualities of my own to be proud of

Imagine not being a sovereign citizen and a free inhabitant of this Earth

based af


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>I express opinions on an anonymous imageboard because my thoughts are too insignificant to be taken serious by smart people and I try to boost my low self-esteem by being more meta than the previous poster

Shut up fat
Return to the r word

>Pride is a sin

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holy motherload of based

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>why yes I'm proud of being a European!
>was I born, lived, or even traveled in Europe? Nope, it's all in my blood!

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Holy fucking based

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