This is your dictator for tonight. Say something nice about her!
Kim Jong Cute
An icon. We stan a confident kween.
Best Korea has the best leader
wtf i love north korea now
What do you guys think she's like? She seems like a very cute and funny person!
Do you have pictures of her without clothes, or with short skirts, or something?
spoiled and high IQ
_____ ___ ___
every woman is
Will she crush my balls if I speak against her regime?
Hue hue
Get back to eating your sopa de macaco
She's probably like Esdeath from Akame ga Kill. Cute and charming to some, cruel and heinous to others. She probably has her own torture chamber, and uses NK soldiers as her footrest.
Cala a boca, gordo.
Você é gordo, seu gordo. Gordo.
I hope she crushes my balls
yes and it will be very painful
imagine if she were to crush your balls
Anime it ,kyoanus!
>Nork femdom porn
I didn't know I needed this in my life until now
Gordo las tengo, papu.
Ve a mendigar a otro lado.
>that flag
Gordo. Mamute.
Rolha de poço.
Based argie
I wanna see her and Moon Jae In hold hands
yes, that would be very bad so dont do that. She would probably do it personally with her stiletto heels too, to make sure you learn your lesson before sending you off to the gulag
I want to sniff her pusy
i would serve her for free for the rest of my life
I can't wait until some blue checkmark clad idiot starts hyping this up as a victory for feminism. It's gonna be Aung San Suu Kyi 2.0.
>It's gonna be Aung San Suu Kyi 2.0
Except that she'll be the one calling the shots.
I want her to turn NK into a matriarchal femdom society
I want to kiss her feet and fuck her ankles (if she lets me)
If you do it without permission she may punish you