Lidl seems to be making inroads into the U.S. Can any euro bros redpill me on it? Is it based?

Lidl seems to be making inroads into the U.S. Can any euro bros redpill me on it? Is it based?

Attached: Lidl.jpg (674x890, 169.71K)

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It's where poor people go.

but there aren't poor people in germany

I think international retail and food companies are different in every country. They can be shit in one and be great in another.
If Lidl will import EU food into US, it will be good and overpriced. But they just probably fill store with same products as everywhere in America, so it basically the same as Walmart.

>If Lidl will import EU food into US, it will be good and overpriced.

That is not how german discounters work and its nothing like walmart. German Discounters are smaller but offer often cheaper stuff. Usually by cutting out the middle man you dont pay for the brand. German Discounters go directly to the producers and let them make stuff under their own “brand“. That means the stores are filled with knockoffs of brand products sold at a fraction of the price.
Yes its for poor people but only retards pay for brand names.

I could live off the Lidl frozen foods section for the rest of my life.

It is based

It's like a a panzer battalion, but instead of soldiers and tanks it has cheap quality stuff with an amazing bakery.

Its ok quality, dont listen to fags which pay 10 cent more for milk and consider themselves elite. Of course youll rarely find exotic shit in lidl.

is it that good?

It's great if you're a shut-in like me.
Also this , their bakery is surprisingly luxurious.

It's like going on a cheap holiday

The croissants are good, but other than that is it for poor people

Lidl only lasted 4 years here before they gave up on the Norwegian market so I don't think I went there more than twice. First impression was low-class. Ugly cookie cutter designed buildings full of products from brands no one had heard. Somehow still more expensive than the competition. 12 years since they closed their last store and I haven't missed them one bit.

You will walk in and not recognize a single brand, literally not a single one. Which is fine I guess, but it requires you to relearn what lidl products are worth buying and what aren't.
For example, Lidl peanut butter is garbage, but I wouldn't have known without having bought it. Smucker's natural I've had all my life.
Their fresh food and meat sections sucks, too with limited selection and the same prices as in bigger grocery stores. If all you buy is basically lean beef, chicken, frozen vegetables and oats then you're better off going to another store.
Aldi is even shittier

Also they do not import from the EU, it seems:

true. it was so shit here they sold off everything and gave up.

Rarely I go to LIDL, because other supers are closer to me.
But they have the best vegetables and fruits, even some exotic fruits which my other super markets do not carry.
Some deals they have are amazing as well, like 1.2 kg of pork for a few euro, thought it was six. (Normally I don't eat pork, but this was such a steal I make an exception.)
Sometimes their nonfood stuff is really good too, I buy my batteries from LIDL when they have a sale.
I cannot comment on the bakery sections because I couldn't figure out how to open the trays, I looked like an idiot once trying to open that shit and I'm not going to try again.

They had to adapt a lot here, it used to be cheap shit that nobody liked but they revamped the whole thing, started selling portuguese products, a bakery with all sorts of portuguese breads, portuguese meat etc... Their pão de rio maior is god tier.

Aldi is everywhere. What's the difference?

>Can any euro bros redpill me on it?
It's basically like an equivalent of Wallmart in the US, a cheap mall where weird people goes.
>Is it based?
Based on consumerism and hopelessness

They have great off brand stuff, veg and fruit. Even give free shit now and then

Lidl is based.
>cheap but still same quality as most supermarkets
>best frozen food section I've ever seen
>amazing frozen pizzas
>cheap as fuck snacks and soda
>cheap, tasty beer
>really nice bakery section with fresh bread and all
>good "theme" weeks with everything from tools and clothes to bike parts and survival gear for ridiculously low prices yet high quality (been using a Lidl camping backpack for 4 years, still like new)

It's pretty much the only shop I use for stuff like that.

This is what poor people always say.
>let's pay more for the same product because i'm totally not poor


>I cannot comment on the bakery sections because I couldn't figure out how to open the trays, I looked like an idiot once trying to open that shit and I'm not going to try again.
I had the same problem, but I figured it out at the end.
You cant open them, you have to use some kind of cooking spoon (circled in red) to move the desired piece of baked good to the side where they are accessible (circled in green).

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I really like Lidl
Infinitely better than Aldi

Thanks frien
Germans best intbros

>Why yes, I do buy all of my groceries from Aldi. How could you tell?

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Huh. We don't have that here. Just normal doors.

I love the random stuff they have. Like cheap electronics and tools.

who cares? Just another big company to fuck over you

Lidl saves me around 120 euro every month in grocery bills compared to other shops.

youre welcome

Used to be the same here, but they renewed all their stores and also changed that. Its way more hygienic

Attached: EU_32ZRWkAAXRvC.jpg (1200x1200, 286.32K)

They rebrand everything to Medion or something. Pretty cool stuff.

As long as you don't get Aldi or Albert Heijn i'm fine with you stealing Lidl you American cultural bandits.

i love the fact that walmart failed in germany because of discounters like lidl and aldi, and now they come to walmart land to fuck them up.