this is a tortilla.
deal with it.
this is a tortilla.
deal with it.
What is that really?
It's a little torta, hence tortilla.
a fucking tortilla you absolute mexicANO
Basically a beta omellete, who tf puts onion with egg jeez
mexicans should use the nahuatl term for their tortillas instead of being cucks, but they hate their indio past...
>British palate
>uk palate
Is it the "white" tortilla?
yes, what's your point?
why do they hate their ancestors? aren't they like 'muh heritage obsessed, like American people?
It's a cylinder manufactured out of hen periods
they are probably one of the most schizophrenic societies out there, when they insult spaniards they go ful quetzalcoatl but in relaity they hate their amerindian blood to the point of using indio as an insult
Stockholm syndrome.
looks like an omelette with cheese and onion to me
Sorry but I dont think you can eat tacos with that.....
>looks like an omelette with cheese
you mean a cheese-shaped omelet
nope, an omelette is a whole different beast
it's potatoes, spanish society is divied between the ones that add onion and the ones that find it a sin
It's a Tortita.
Small thing = ito/ita suffix
Tortilla is different.
illo/illa is also a sufix
chiquilla for example
illo/illa is the same as ito/ita
cigarrillo = small cigarro
rejilla = small reja
castillo = small castro
don't really enjoy insulting but stop being 12 my dude
You have no right to say what belongs to the spanish language or not after going full retard and accepting things such as " Memes, Tuitear, Guglear, Medica, soldada, albañila" etc as part of the language.
I don't think diminutives play a role. -illo-illa is a diminutive as well
que te calles
what do you mean by that?
no tu
Està retrasao
At this point, the suffix -illo, -illa, are part of the word given full meaning. Nobody thinks of cigarros, rejas or castros when talking about those things. A tortilla is a flat thing made from flour. Crepes are a kind of tortilla, rice paper is a kind of tortilla. The idea associated with tortilla is more related to these things than a smaller sized thing that doesn't look like the object you're talking about at all.
chupame la picha
I don't think the word "Subnormal" is an insult, however i will call you that.
no tu
me gustaría
Outside of mexico no one associates tortilla with the flat thing that you're referencing. In most of the world the tortilla is an egg dish
Y esto se llama pastel.
This is correct.
What else can you do when the ruling class (AKA spaniards) belittle your people for centuries. You want to distance yourself from them because you don't want to be seen as inferior.
>Nobody thinks of cigarros, rejas or castros when talking about those things.
except we literally do
the fact that you're 12 and never noticed that there's more to the language than your dialect doesn't mean we are all like you.
yes, when I hear "almohadilla" I think of a small almohada.
a cuadernillo is clearly a small cuaderno
a bocadillo makes me think of a small bocado
a carretilla makes me think of a small carreta
again, I don't particularly enjoy insulting people, but you have to stop being retarded right now my dude.
pichel se le llama aquí
torta aca, pastel tambien se usa pero es menos comun
Esa es una jarra.
>What else can you do when the ruling class (AKA spaniards) belittle your people for centuries.
those were the criollos that betrayed the king, they opressed the natives harder than the crown did (and still are)
>You want to distance yourself from them because you don't want to be seen as inferior.
the sad thing is that if you choose to call your country by the name of the people that hunted your ancestors for sacrificies, at least go full larp and try to recover the language
una jarra normalmente no tiene tapa, pero todo dios usa jarra en general
These are pasteles.
Alright. What do you call the round flat thing made from flour of any grain then?
lmao. El jarra, El trocka, El Wachiman.
¿cómo le dicen en otras partes de latino américa?
si, creo que es estandar en todo lado
No sé. He oido "mantecado" y "barquilla"
oh, i see.
>Alright. What do you call the round flat thing made from flour of any grain then?
Pero un mantecado es un muffin.
también usamos cucurucho, barquilla y mantecado nunca lo he oído
cucurucho es lo que está sosteniendo al helado
>Està retrasao
Anybody who speaks like this should be forcefully rehabilitated.