Mexico has become the fucking RISK™

Mexico has become the fucking RISK™

Attached: América-México-Política-Conflictos-Narcotráfico-Los-carteles-de-México (1).jpg (4404x2479, 710.46K)

Outdated map. CJNG is the real deal right now. It feels great living in Yucatan. There's no drugs dealing here.

Just fucking nuke us already fucking pussies

In which regions you can feel the cartel's presence and influence, dominance etc etc?

Half of those cartels dont exist anymore

the northern you go, the more violent it gets

most violent cities in mexico are Tijuana and Juarez

also this map is outdated as fuck, zetas are dead, templars are dead, the country is now split between 3 cartels : Sinaloa, Caliente, Tamaulipas

I heard southeastern states(yucatan, campeche) got some action lately, is it true?

>It feels great living in Yucatan

The superior Mayans compared to the Oto-Manguean ape peoples.

Any updated maps?

Amerimutt, your country is the first one that will be nuked in the next years. Get fucked.

>Not Jalisco

Zetas caballeros templarios and familia michoacana doesn't exist anymore

Attached: _109325429_mexico_cartels_oct_22_10_19_map640-nc.png (640x564, 95.81K)

No, only Quintana Roo. Campeche and Yucatan are fine. Worst states are Guanajuato and Tamaulipas.

>Tijuana Juarez
Wrong. Celaya and Matamoros are more violent.

This, every single time I see these maps they're outdated. White people can't keep up.

Where tf did Tamaulipas came from, what happened to Zetas and Golf Cartel?

Jalisco isn't even top 50 lmao

meanwhile Tijuana is literally PUBG but real life

>Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

This is bullshit.

Attached: D3tz9UqU8AAkU-E.jpg (680x395, 27.31K)

Zetas and Gulf got integrated into Tamaulipas, most of the cartels got integrated and are now part of these 3 big ones

CJNG is part of Caliente now, half of their members left, formed NPC and joined Sinaloa

Los Zetas are dead. They split up in two cartels. Cartel del Noreste and Zetas Vieja escuela. Gulf cartel is an ally of CJNG.

>half of their members left...
No, they are trying to get Michoacán and Guanajuato. Cartel Nueva Plaza is a joke. Even if El MZ helped them, they can't win against El Mencho.

Do you think the new Mexican govt pushed these alliances from the shadow to calm down things ?

There is no such a thing as the caliente cartel dummy

Those are disputed territories therefore "caliente" which means hot zone or whatever

I know, but back then CJNG was just CJNG, now when they adress the whole region as Caliente

You mean Tierra caliente. There's a lot of cartels there. La Nueva Familia Michoacana, Los Viagras, CJNG, etc...

One question, the deaths resulting from crime, is a form of indirect eugenics like in Brazil or the USA, where more blacks, mulattos and Latinos die, or is it just the opposite?

Mexico's president is supporting The Sinaloa cartel. Jalisco and Michoacan governors CJNG, Guanajuato governor Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima. It's fucked up. We only need one Cartel.

Attached: firefox_RIPglo3Fpn.png (536x895, 104.7K)

It used to be like that, but this new government just doesn't care. Now cartels are killing innocent people and rich fags.

Nationalization by State is needed. Instituto Mexicano de Narcotráfico (Imenarco).

Checked and kek'd