Evening Yas Forums

Evening Yas Forums.
What is your nations relations like with your neighbors? I'm particularly curious about france & german relationship. Do people hold strong animosity towards each other? Such as on online german or french speaking forums or on Yas Forums, or even IRL, say if a french man walked into a rural german bar for example,is there much vitriol and malice directed at each other? The British peoples led by psychopathic elites and their orders carried out by base lower class orc armies have nearly genocided the defenseless(unless farming tools count as weapons) irish people on several occasions,as the irish where isolated geographically & so where unique in europe for not having any access to weaponry . So the irish have some animosity towards the brits.The brits(a large minority of their population) have deep malignancy towards the irish, for no reason other than the irish fought back for survival. If the british people can harbor so much malevolence to a people like the irish, i can only imagine how bad things must be between the french & German peoples... with both sides accountable for millions & millions of deaths each... "travail, famille, patrie" ... "Gott mit uns"

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I hold no grudge against any of our neighbors but I'm not deluded to think they like us
except the Dutch maybe

What happens here?

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funny about the dutch, because of ww2 some of them seem to hold a small amount of disdain for you...

My ancestors :)

My pops was born in Belgium in the early 40's, he refused to let any of his daughters to date a German.

There is an official Franco-German friendship programme that was I believe started in the 1960s. Every German town, and often also the church parishes in those towns have friendship towns and parishes in France. What does that mean? They visit eachother, they invite eachother over and show them around. I for example participated in a 5-day university exchange with our partner town Amiens north of Paris. It was great, we got to meet French students, talk to them, saw the beautiful countryside, and a small percentage of our trip was state sponsored thanks to the Franco-German friendship programme.

I live in a very small town and I enjoy visitors from our neighboring countries a lot. We do get lots of french people, very nice in general.

We french don't have much feelings about germans. They may be our main commercial partner but culturally they are irrelevant.

I live here, ask me anything

Is your everyday life influenced by the fact that you have been living in an euroregion?

very interesting. Clever way to engender amity

We Germans don't hate them, we just like to make fun of them once in a while but it's nothing out of hatred or anything.

My impression is that some French are still resentful towards us Boches (mostly old people and nationalists) but maybe its not as bad as I think. Most of them do apparently have a hate boner for our language though judging by this video:


Yes, I thought so, too. Their language is a bit complicated for us, but when you travel there, you see that they are people just like us.

Yes, a lot of French people from my city wok in Luxembourg, you can make a lot of money. But the time lost in transportation exhaust people and people tend to come back working in France.

The Germans are kind of invisible to us, they have no cultural influence like a French user stated. Their cities on the other side of the border are sad and ugly, soulless I would say. They also don't like French people, they feel superior to the French, but come here for the holidays and weekend because our cities are clearly better as well as the food, quality of life, architecture etc..

You can check the region in this cool video, we're transitioning into the future while being still good looking cities with architecture and stuff, great quality of life


haha hate boner. I understand some francais & deutsch and i believe german is actually more mellifluous than french imo

>make fun of them once in a while but it's nothing out of hatred or anything

The false sense of superiority I was talking about

We were raised by school and TV to love Europe. We were also taught by American films to hate the Nazis, but unless a German is dressed like a SS we don't see them as Nazis (I'm speaking for the normies, for whom being a Nazi is a bad thing).
In college / grande école, we had our load of Erasmus students, english, many germans (I crossed half of France to study in Strasbourg). I remember Volker and Ulli especially.

Volker was gay... It was a selective college so there were no working class students, only the bourgeoisie. But even 100 years ago people from the same class across borders tended to not be fooled by propaganda, that we should hate our neighbors.
It was more complex for the working class of both countries, who didn't have the means to resist the propaganda : they were raised to think that a man had balls only if he could slay his share of "boches", or "schleus".

But in the middle of the war the working class made the same discovery as the bourgeoisie across borders. I think it was during the ceasefire of Christmas 1916, french and german soldiers talked with each other and many realized they had no reason to kill each other. They were both puppets of the big landlords and high bourgeoisie using propaganda to make the working class fight for their interests.

So no, today I can't find an example of a french person I know who hates the germans. There are many polical parties that are against the EUs, that say that we're slaves of Germans through the €uro, but none of them use old "hate speech" against Germans.
As they are economically successful, the thing I notice more in most people is a form of worshipping of the Germans : coronavirus? Panic!! What would a german do?? Crisis? What would a German do? Migrants? Look, if Germany can welcome them, why can't we?

So if there's one thing problematic with Germans, it's that we're made to love them too much. While we should ONLY love their white working class (aka nazis), not their bourgeoisie.

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I guess I learned a new word today. Not sure about the comparison with french but I do think german sounds the most fluent and melodic out of all germanic languages.

I lived there but I'll try to be unbiased.

French people have no interest in Germany as a rule and we actually know very little of the country apart from the Nazi meme and that Berlin is a good party town.
It's either hatred/dislike or apathy towards the state and the people/culture.
The french people that know Germany usually quite like it but see the Germans as being too serious and the food as being bad.
We resent their economical success and a lot of people believe the EU is basically a way for Germany to dominate Europe.

We're actually a lot more similar than we would admit, I felt a lot more at home when I lived in northwest Germany than when I lived in Spain.

>The false sense of superiority I was talking about
> Their cities on the other side of the border are sad and ugly, soulless I would say. They also don't like French people, they feel superior to the French, but come here for the holidays and weekend because our cities are clearly better as well as the food, quality of life, architecture etc..
This is why me make fun of you my friend


>we should ONLY love their white working class (aka nazis), not their bourgeoisie
haha, you wont see that posted much. Of course I agree kek.

>I guess I learned a new word today
hell, i only learned it about 3 years ago, & we speak English as the primary language here!

Yes, Germans think they have it but they actually live miserable depressing lives.
I've been a lot in Germany and I felt depressed everytime. I even stayed in a German family and it was so sad and uninteresting I genuinly fear having to go back in Germany

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We like the Germans, because they are kind of similair to us. Sometimes people say mean things to them but that’s just to joke about it, they are one of our closest allies

>people believe the EU is basically a way for Germany to dominate Europe.
would you believe the could be a frexit with in the next decade?

if you say so

>their bourgeoisie.
You talk a lot about la bourgeoisie, but we don't think we have that. We have people that make more money, sure, but they can also be workers like plumbers, electricians etc. If they own their own business, they tend to be very wealthy.
After WW2, everything was lost and in ruins. Saved money instantly became worthless. With the money reform, EVERYBODY started with 40 German Marks. That means we don't have a class consciousness. We consider everybody to be equal. Students for example don't pay high tuition fees anymore. There are subsidies and loans for students that come from poorer parents.

what's wrong with german bourgeoisie?

>My impression is that some French are still resentful towards us Boches
not really. actually even old people don't care, they prefer to hate muslims and black people.
>Most of them do apparently have a hate boner for our language
that's "more" true, but it's mostly people who don't really know German, except from movies... Or young people who just try to follow the movement without any thinking

I find French people to be very cute. I'd like to learn French one day and travel there and be chastised for my poor pronunciation.

our neighbors are all shit except Taiwan.
only Taiwan is true bro.
look our neighbors. north / south korea, china and russia.
all shit!! all junk countries.

please move to east asia next of us Europe fren.

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it'd be a pleasure to chastise you bro, come in ma house

Not saying you're bad people or anything, I just can't into germany, I don't know why it depresses me so much.
It doesn't feel lively, it's too grey and sad, the cities have no architectural homogeneity, too many ugly modern buildings.

But I'm sure some place in germany are great, just haven't seen them

Canada is a joke.

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Let’s not delude ourselves and pretend that France is culturally relevant outside of Africa (and only the biggest shitholes in Africa rn were french colonies). Everyone has lost the respect they had for France, the only times you are relevant is when we talk about how destroyed you got in WW2 and for surrendering

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>with both sides accountable for millions & millions of deaths each... "travail, famille, patrie" ... "Gott mit uns"

not at all. the most brutal battles in human history were fought between Germans and Russians.

we don't hate Russians eiter

spoken like a true bourgeoise. Germany is pretty bad when it comes to social mobility

Sven is seething his gf left for Mamadou

>Not saying you're bad people or anything

"i'm not racist, but..."

I often forget how big russia actually is holy fuck

Hallo, buurman! I'd honestly like to come over again, it's only a one hour drive. But the politici say that we shouldn't, because of Corona, and I think the border may be open, but people without a good reason (like work) are sent back.

So are we.