One year later

Why did he do it?

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>Why did he do it?


he was going bald

The eternal anglo


a feeling of impotence and the associated radicalism meets a target that's seemingly appropriate
if you think you're giving your life to a greater cause you can feel ecstatic, no matter what evil you are committing

France made him do it

Its only 1 year? its feel 3 years already

I remember someone here posted his manifesto, guy was legitimately crazy

wish all whites were like him :^)

Because he wanted to?
Who cares about him

blad manlet rage. it was over before he was born.

Some turkroach made fun of him on one of the chans

To be fair, he woke a lot of people up about the Great Replacement. All the major news outlets were forced to talk about this term and this lead to people googling it for themselves. Not even Wikipedia denies that the Great Replacement is a real thing, it just denies that it is a conspiracy by politicians.

because he was based.

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How come French posters are the most based? It's weird because despite it being more brown than any other country I got a feeling most actual posters here are white, unlike those from the Netherlands, which are filled with brown incel freaks.

For the memes

A hero

He accomplished nothing killing 10 Muslims other than justifying crackdown on the right, we are weak.not strong to do these terrorist attacks and get us attacked.

Imagine if Jews openly did terrorist attacks during Nazi Germany they would have been holocausted

Illegal opinion mate.

>killed 40
>only counts as 10 though because muslims are subhuman

>Imagine if Jews openly did terrorist attacks during Nazi Germany they would have been holocausted
But they did and were?

>we are weak

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Actually, it achieved a lot. Apart from the kvetching from the MSM, many people became aware of the Great Replacement.
As for your comment on Jews, they *were* openly commuting terrorist attacks. Look up the assassinations of Ernst Vom Rath. Jews also made up a huge portion of the Soviet "Cheka", a secret police organisation that killed hundreds of thousands.

The west would be clean if everyone was like him

Tell me your plan in making the right be seen as an aggressive terrorist enemy when all military power is in the hands of the left?
How does terrorist gather support for 1488?

>The west would be clean if everyone was like him

the west would be clean if anyone said they didn't want nigs in their country, would means nothing to reality.

The military is full of right wingers, in Germany they are freaking out about a right-wing cell in the special forces. I say freaking out because they have not managed to arrest everyone as the cell members were tipped off by right-wingers in the intelligence agencies.

facking muzzos wouldn't get the party started so he did it for them

>Actually, it achieved a lot. Apart from the kvetching from the MSM, many people became aware of the Great Replacement.
Became aware of it being tied to terrorism and murder, not worth arguing with a Jew or an enemy.

I'm.right you're wrong, peace.

He seemed pretty level headed

I literally and unironically think people who support him should be arrested and sentenced to prison. Kill yourselves scum. Imagine supporting a terrorist criminal

because he was a manlet

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Seethe harder, cuckold.

>How does terrorist gather support for 1488?
How does palestinians gather support for palestine? How does ISIS gather support for the caliphate?
Terrorism is effective.

LOL cuck

>receeding hairline
>those fatty knuckles
>herpes lesion on his lip, probably came from his gf who cucked him behind is back

I oppose him because terrorism is not the way to make a point or convince people that multi culturalism is bad.

Lol at all the far-right scum coming out of the woodwork. You are lowlives you will never amount to anything