Would Italy have joined WW1 if Austria-Hungary hadn't suffered such extensive casualties in the beginning of the conflict?
Would Italy have joined WW1 if Austria-Hungary hadn't suffered such extensive casualties in the beginning of the...
fuck wrong board
no, Italy was not in a position for war
No, because they are treacherous rats with no honor.
This isn't /his/, but I'll give you my 5 Cents: Probably Not, it was more about territorial promises and rivalry between both AH and Italy in general.
ohnonononon hahahahahahahahaha
yes but you and Austria needed to offer more clay than what Allies did. That included border at the brenner pass and all of Dalmatia to annex plus protectorate over Albania: Also a bunch of
new colonies in Africa/ elsewhere.But as you were stingy as usual
stop talking like that about history, it's very cringe
also, ceding Dalmatia and Trieste was unacceptable for Austria-Hungary
an important reason for the entry of Italy into the war was probably anti-Austrian sentiment, but I wonder if that would've still prevailed over cold reasoning if the situation of war had looked better for the Central Powers in 1915
>ceding Dalmatia and Trieste was unacceptable for Austria-Hungary
why are germanids like this. Now they have lostthat and much more.
>an important reason for the entry of Italy into the war was probably anti-Austrian sentiment, but I wonder if that would've still prevailed over cold reasoning
It coud have beeen fixed by offering more land and being less smug/arrogant.
Austria-Hungary would've never voluntarily ceded its coastline. It had nothing to do with being a "germanoid" or smug/arrogant, you're just projecting your dislike for Germans/Austrians on history because you're a n assblasted faggot who can't discuss history like an adult.
Italy would've sided with Germany if they didn't have Austria on their side. You should have ditched Asstria
Italy gave the germoids the conditions to join them. They refused, unlucky for them I guess.
Yeah we have seen how effective Italy as an ally is. You're even worse than the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic mess that was Austro-Hungary.
Well now your country is going down the drain and is steadily becoming more and more of a shithole. No victory and no amount of backstabbing will ever help shitalians against their own incompetence. Unlucky for you I guess
>be Italy
>Don't even get your 30 silvers because Slavs cuck you
Divine justice
why did they fuck up the border precisely at the Soča river it's like every mapmaker who comes near Slovenia with his pen goes all 'ah fuck it, who will ever know'. I'll know, Mr. mapmaker, I can always tell.
>get btfo at vittorio veneto
look at this dud
This, Italy was not bound by the Triple Alliance anymore because it was an offensive agreement, while Austria and Germany went on the offensive. After that Italy just sat things out, waiting for any one side to offer Italy a better deal. A-H's refusal to give in to Italy's demands made it almost inevitable that they'd join the Entente.
30 silvers implies treason. Like I explained above, Italy was bound by nothing. The Triple Alliance merely meant that all signatories would join the war if one side was attacked by an outside enemy (most likely France).
>You're even worse than the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic mess that was Austro-Hungary.
why does historical discussion on Yas Forums always turn into nationalist shitflinging?
they dont know any history outside of the propaganda their schools teach them
Because you are a Polish immigrant.
Because it's fun.
>You're even worse than the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic mess that was Austro-Hungary
This. Italy literally had ONE front, while AH had three fronts and it still lasted four years.
I wish the Habsburg empire survived and reformed. Austroslavism was the way to go for us, desu.
Italy has always been a shithole because you're height-challenged brown gypsies who scream about pasta all day long instead of doing anything productive. Austria-Hungary on the other hand was a state that was ruled by two ethnic minorities which hated both each other and every single other ethnicity in the entire country.
>Italy has always been a shithole
Anything that includes Slavism leads to poverty and genocide. Please be same and refrain from Slavic ideologies.
>still lasted four years.
only thanks to German help
Russia, Germany and Russia should have partitioned Austria before ww1
I forgot the name, but there was a battle (Premyczil?) where the Austrians got BTFO by the Russians so hard, that the Austrian army couldn't even act independently anymore and became an extension of the German army for the rest of the war.
and Italy
the offensive of general Brusilov in 1916