how did this happen
How did this happen
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it turns out people in shitholes need a phony sky daddy to tell them everything will be alright
religion is really a waste of time and really pointless
no surprise the more advanced a country gets the less religious it becomes
ignorance is bliss
God replaced by money, religion replaced by nanny state.
there are number of data points on the map which lead me to believe your assertion is false
time happened
mammon is a god
religious is dumb
>le ebic meme
kys if you're unironically christian
Wtf I always thought Spain was super catholic
Based Belgium.
>the most christian countries in the world are from latin american and eastern europe
>both regions are shitholes
what did Jesus mean by this?
t. Shithole country
Romanians say they are religious out of virtue signaling, generally no one cares except for really isolated old ladies in the countryside that don't even have a cellphone.
>Europeans and Asians will never gather together to praise the Maritan Goddess and sing hymns to her
Damn, so it's the same here.
Lately more young people are larpinf as christians to stick it to the muzzies
western countries thirst for the freedom to suck dick
>a god that won't let me fuck trannies isn't a god I want to believe in
many such cases
Yeah in like 1600 lol. They're pretty leftist now.
Here religion isn't enough strong to subdue atheism, but is enough strong to make atheist mad.
Based Italy the only firstoid with soul
greece is first world technically
Map of countries on the rise (blue) and countries on the decline (red)
And hungarians thirst for the freedom to go to western countries.
Here the church tied its wagon to the Habsburgs
I filled in the map based on what I know. Help fill in
Religious numbers are PLUMMETING (exaggeration, demographics take long to change) after we became a stable democracy
My country is such a shithole
why did you make washington and oregon red
>China more religious than India
Just passing by to say that this map is bullshit.
I read it was the most secular part of America. like Canada
Finland should be red lol
Russia is shamefully backwards.