Peronism can be described as a third position ideology as it rejects both capitalism and communism

>Peronism can be described as a third position ideology as it rejects both capitalism and communism.

or as i like to call it based.

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Third Positionalism is a term used by retards who have no understanding of economics.

>Third position aka capitalism in disguise

I only know him from Evita

sadly the movement got conned by leftists and neoliberals after peron died. There are still genuine peronists out there but all the politicians that claim to be one they arent.

a communist is just the retarded son of a capitalist, no wonder why every leftist revolution in history was backed by jewish and anglo bankers

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Communism is state capitalism which is worse

Said an Argentinean

economics are a spook, economics does not matter

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Your country is literally a terrorist State that has funded all kinds of socialist tyrants throughout history. Fuck off.

>Your country is literally a terrorist State that has funded all kinds of socialist tyrants throughout history. Fuck off.

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But that applies to almost every great power in history, what's your point?

incels obsessed with politics & economics

I like to call it a political crisis and hyperinflation every 20 years

but most of our political crisis and hyperinfaltion weren't under peronist goverments.

>sure i want to protect capitalism and keep the capitalist class in power b-but i'm not a capitalists bro i'm a third positionist believe me

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>imagine not realizing almost every single president is in some way, shape or form a Peronist
>who is my current president and what is the current situation of the peso

>>imagine not realizing almost every single president is in some way, shape or form a Peronist
(????) sorry user, i didn't know you were an expert about Argentinean politics.
>who is my current president and what is the current situation of the peso
my current president has been in office for less than five months.

desu im actually pretty invested in argentinian politics and I can tell you definetely that everyone from Nestor to Macri has been a "peronist", also your current president has in fact made your current monetary situation worse.

Por eso es que se van a hundir, malditos imbéciles. No aprenden de su historia, son políticamente analfabetas y siguen votando por la misma mierda.

>Por eso es que se van a hundir, malditos imbéciles. No aprenden de su historia, son políticamente analfabetas y siguen votando por la misma mierda.

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You are aware that Argentina is renown for going from first world to third world, right

go burn the subway, mapuche.

based, keep dabbing on the cia agent

>literal retard who diverted money from industries that could have turned Argentina into a modern, industrialized state to hands out agricultural gibs which was just a smokescreen to divert public money to billionaire landowners who then immediately siphoned the money out to Europe and eventually fucked off to there

pic related

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Peronismo means nothing, it's just a wrapping on populism

Alberto no es peronista. lpqlp

sounds like Macri.
why he didn't end working in FIFA ? lmao

The most based, or at least most succesful, leader in Argentina was arguably Roca.
Peron was a failure.

or how to JUST a nation in less than 50 years

Yrigoyen doomed Argentina, peron was just a symptom.

Because he can't bring Rafa Di Zeo with him

>Third Positionalism is a term used by retards who have no understanding of economics.
yes, that is peronism

>...while giving unlimited gibs like the worst of communism and helping only his fellow businessmen like the worst of capitalism


Why do lefties worship him and his wife?
He was a literal fascists and spend his exile in francoist Spain.
It makes no sense.