west country best country
we're here:
I prompted the discussion on Meriadoc's points so fuck off weird wojak posting cunt
This won the draw
clogwog BTFO
>Please post pics of your kid on Yas Forums
Vile nonce, fuck off
stupid cunt, why are you such a piece of shit?
drunk again ahah
can we talk about something nice?
when this blows over whats the first thing you're going to do for holidays?
Genuinely astonished at how terrible some of the webm's posted here are
you started it because of my post on shagging the tiktok girl before anyone else if she was my daughter
you can't even see the strings lad
i'm also the guy arguing with you about merry's argument
Nothing because I am slowly going bankrupt because of this shit, haha.
just as I am reconsidering my points on fathering a daughter being cuckoldry you go and post this webm
simply refuse to accept that having a daughter is not the ultimate cuck
LARPing as having children
sad cunt
her: "I'm not going to take your surname proto-DH"
me: "no"
stalin didn't build commieblocks
most soviet citizens lived in the same hovels they and their descendants lived in throughout the 20s-30s
khruschev built the commieblocks after stalin died
buy a house or maybe rent
which is better?
want to see something really terrible?
>getting mad over something like this
why do you have such a shit temper? is it just an anglo thing?
Go back to the office lmao
some time after probably a holiday, going to try and avoid the rush I expect will happen
lads if your gf wanted you both to double-barrel your surname when you get married what would you do?
women are not human
they exist in between Humanity and the Animal kingdom
waheyyyyyyyyyyyy ahah
going to get a mortgage
right yes I see however I am also a virgin so I am not well equipped to spar with you in this particular intellectual duel
so close :'(
nice seeside
what about when you get back on your feet.
what you gonna do when you get a chance for a break?
got two holidays booked for the end of july middle of august
then going to blow 8k savings on a trip to south east asia
I don't have friends so I doubt anywhere
double barrel her face
>if your gf
doesn't apply here as i am a virgin freak with no gf
any webm that isn't chinkchock shit is a good webm
Like it desu, it is like creating a new dynasty.
gf unironically tried this onee, said it is a no from me and good luck
my last name is 16 characters long (greek)
I would very much like to shag that back
post smug emmetts
go somewhere alone?
I think I'm gonna end up killing myself to be honest lad. I'm gonna lose everything if this goes on too long.
videos like this always amaze me because of their unintentional cinematography
it's shot beautifully
love their faces when they realie it's a midget
don't steal my emmett pics from earlier without permission in future
party rockers in the house tonight
26 years old
this is my year to go out
there really is nothing so good as the burn in the stomach when you take a swig of booze
This 'rona is the best thing to ever happen
terrible form and ROM
arms should be parallel with the ground
shoulders retracted
why are his eyes so puffy here?
Hello Yankolololopolis
So fucking depressed
Niece and family hate me
Have a crippling drug addiction ngl
Peak comfy
well lads?
bet mikey would object to that
gonna go to home bargains in hull
treat myself to some viscount biscuits
Haven't had a lick of alcohol touch my lips in over 3 years.
This is what peak physical performance looks like
Sad ):
don't do that lad. try to bounce back.
it really was
even though it fucked up my plans for travel it was still worth it
polyscum btfo'd
I genuinely don’t feel like going on holiday any time soon.
what about sips of alcohol?
doing a read
looks 45
Love pooey willards
coz he prefers to take a swig of cum? ahahah
caravan-alone on a friday night again mikey?
wish i could eat like the strong men
Put on a bit of chub during the 'ckdown
5th night off the booze
Struggling, so hard not to drink on nice warm evenings like this
for me its kidderminster pizza hut
Of course. No harm in a drink now and again
yea haha, still it takes a brave man to bare his soul like that and i respect him for it
so many of them try to embody female aesthetics which are popular online among lonely guys but not very common in real life
i wonder why?
prefer small-medium bums
black willies
big fan
n g l
Every night is Friday night for me kid
just cried at shaun of the dead on itv2
lockdown has me in a proper state aha :'(
which scene did u cry at la
always been pretty bad with money but managed to save up a nice amount before/during all this so going to take the missus for a big holiday maybe tokyo or somewhere like that
I'm too schizo to post even below her neck pic
don't remember this morrissey song
The scene when his mum reveals she is infected always makes me very upset
Oh fucking hell, right below that is THIS
Mens arses
how did you know?
it's what i always wanted
can never have to many of these
well you quit kicking me under the table
i'm trying - will somebody make her shut up about it?
will you settle down please
are you taller than your father
the most enjoyable moment for me was after a hard day of toil i came home quite shattered.
i forgot to go shopping but i couldnt be arsed.
all i had was milk, a can of sardines and an orange.
it was a really good meal. i felt so down about the world but strangely that meal lifted me in spirits. some how it was the best treat i could have asked for.
Not looking at more of these
Is trump like 6’4
when philip is about to die and he pours his heart out to shaun honestly related to it so much
10 hour shifts 7 days on, 4 days off
1 hour commute each way
physically exhausting
26k a year
cba might just get a just in tesco dow m road
that's alri lad
wasn't going to wank to her, just was going to live vicariously through you
i, too, know the sting of tfw no thicc titcow gf
Would at least consider shagging. Ngl
there's that word again
that guy's going to kill himself sometime down the line, you can just tell
Prefer a nice youse
He used to be, he's probably around 6'2 now. Barron has just turned 14 and is 6'5 or something.
You now remember Cara Delevigne
Would break up any yankoid need from his mothers cunt ngl
hows your relationship with your dad
This guy is extremely retarded.
Why do you bother with it lad? Doesn’t sound like a great deal
look at his hands
definitely something about uni that turns brits into insufferable shitstains
taking god's seed straight up the jacksie
Only people who look like this should be saying ya'll
lads - how much do you reckon you'd need to earn to live a good life?
epicureans need not apply - i mean one of relatively high material comfort
a nice house - not one you'd settle for but one you'd be proud to own
enough money for luxuries such as regular traveling, or whatever you might like (if you're into fashion, then enough money to buy clothes etc)
it goes without saying but you would have this without needing to stress about money - obviously it wouldn't be unlimited, but you would know you could do what you want and still be within budget
cannae forget those brows
Any of you lads watched that series on Netflix called Gaylords Say No?
Uni does that in general to everyone.
Who was England's greatest ruler?
Most likely but never know though, maybe I'll make some friends after it is over haha
I reckon at least £50k with a partner earning similar