Greater Argentina

Should they annex Paraguay & Uruguay? Anything else would seem too excessive. Chile is not possible to hold due to mountains. Bolivia is better off with Peru.

Attached: Mapa_Virreinato_Rio_de_la_Plata.png (1038x1599, 465.73K)

Chiloé was definitely not part of the Virreinato de la Plata

Not going to happen, Guyana will annex Uruguay first.

There's only thing they should annex and we all know which is it


Las Malvinas?

Not happening.

Attached: Luís_Alves_de_Lima_e_Silva.jpg (850x1155, 463.12K)

>Imagine not stoping rebels from balkanazing your country.

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All Chile was on paper part of the Virreinato del Peru o el Virreinato de La Plata depending on the century.

All the Capitanias Generales were nominally integrated into a Virreinato although in practice they were autonomous from the Viceroy

fuck no
these brown subhumans pretty much ruined the country

>inb4 seething brits

Paraguay was literal North Korea - tier country which forced their citizens to racemixing during their first years of existence
They're too based to be part of Stagnantina



There's a joke here that says that paraguay don't have people infected of corona virus because all the paraguans are here

>Nueva Andalucia

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Over my dead body!


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That would give us more brown people and therefore more problems

That would give us more brown people and therefore more problems


This lad. The best Charles since Charles the Great himself. German-Roman Emperor and King of Spain? Can't do that if you're not a massive chad.

. . . no

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eww no we're too many already

Go on. Say it. Stupid fucking sudaca, go eat another taco. The Falklands and Gibraltar will always be British.

Based except for the indio parts


kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk the only reason those índios aren't speaking Portuguese right now is because we got bored of blacking them in the ass halfway through

Attached: DsnGPYbWsAU-MMl.png (700x1476, 521.14K)

Paraguay and Uruguay is ours

Yes, they belong to the Great Empire of Rio Grande do Sul


We need to annex Chile, having access to 2 oceans would help economic development.

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*Chile should annex Argentina, having access to 2 oceans would help economic development.

fuck off weon