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I would be happy if he would become president of mutterica.

Most of his comics are about muh vaccine autism and dicksucking trump, what's wrong with him?

Ben Garrison is a sellout retard who lives off pandering to migatards.

Anyone who opposes vacciantion should be thrown in jail.

Wheres the version with the happy merchant?

wtf I love Bill Gates now

GMOs have saved millions from starvation and Bill Gates is one of the most accomplished philanthropists. I'm glad I'm past my Ben garrison phase

Does Ben have any kids? Are they vaccinated?

I wish someone made an illustrated timeline of ben garrison losing his mind.




Yes, Ian Garrison. He's a fucking model.

>what's wrong with him?
dicksucking trump

Damn... What a powerful family...

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>wah wah wah Bill Gates is a satanist and Bill Gates' father ate aborted babies
Is Ben Garrison going full Alex Jones now?

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>photoshopping white pride on Ian
Ben Garrison is pretty bluepilled though. He thinks nazis are bad and that Bill Gates' depopulation program in Africa is bad.

Ben is getting more moronic as of late. Quarantine must be messing with his mood bad.

please post more of this

he is a terrible artist jesus christ

>be smart enough to predict pandemics and invest in laboratories
>plans to become richer by helping people instead of fucking them

haha he drew him with a poopy diaper now i know bill gates is bad :)

>ben garrison

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Trash glowie post, the institutions don't like it when powerful people go around them

This says a lot about our society

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It's because he was there when ebola broke out in Africa and he knew that eventually a disease that deadly can one day infect the whole world and not just Africa. There have been countless "Outbreak" type of movies over the past decades and many documentaries predicting the inevitable rise of pandemics as the human population increases. Saying that viruses are only created created by rich people wanting to inject microchips is pure boomer cope trying to find ways to fulfill their retarded Christcuck prophecies

How do you convince your retarded boomer father to get the coronavirus vaccine when it comes out if he buys all the stupid anti-vaxx bullshit he sees on Facebook and YouTube?

He knows that his demographic are mouthbreathing retards , thats why he labels everything

me on the right uwu

is a schizo?

By the time the corona vaccine will be a reality, at least 150,000 Americans will have died. By that time, odds are he will probably know someone personally that died from it. Use that to your advantage.

why dont you eat your redpill?

>GMOs are bad
Nothing wrong with them, Monsanto monopoly is the real problem

Damn Trump is hot

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>I think we need to infect bleach and uv-light into your lungs
>I'm no doctor, though

I consider any day where I don't see a BG cartoon featuring a luscious male butt to be a good day


How is he reacting now that Trump is backpedalling and saying that he was just pretending to be retarded?