I am getting permanently kicked out by my parents tommorow. I am 25, I don't have a high school degree...

I am getting permanently kicked out by my parents tommorow. I am 25, I don't have a high school degree, I don't have money, I don't have drivers license, I don't have a place to stay, I have my 2014 smartphone, clothes and my passport. What am I supposed to do? And if you were me in your country, what would you do?

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What did you do this time

What happened?

They are tired of me being a parasite to them and a neet.

Tell them about the meme virus

dont you literally get free money and house for being finnish?

I was in your situation when I was back in India, my short term plan was to go to a temple or mosque and they would feed me. My long term plan was to try to ask someone there to help me get job or start doing illegal things like becoming a pimp

That's just it, I did nothing, I spent the last decade in my bedroom doing nothing, I have contacts and no experience doing anything.

go crash @ one of your friend's places

i'd probably just join the military in the cushiest role I can find and then just use the money I have when I get out to try to actually do something.

get a job retard

about time then. they should have seen this 7 years ago and thrown you out at 18, now you must grow up or perish

Make money using the internet blackhatworld.com/

open an onlyfans page

How? I don't how.

I would live off welfare

Don't you get 1000 euro/month NEET bux in Finland?

this is a good idea
just get into logistics in the air force nd do fuck all for two years or whatever the minimum is and fuck off

join the military for the minimum amount of time, preferably in a meme non-combat role

I don't know, I know how my countrys social net works. I haven't even been to a doctor or medical checkup in almost a decade, so long I don't remember.

what exactly have you done the last 10 years?

literally just apply on random jobs or retail on job websites you troglodyte

Won't you have option for welfare?

Can't you guiltshame them for borning you without asking?

tell them you want to study a short degree to get a job and leave. Here we have 2 years degrees, but they're not university degrees, they're of a lower level very focused on the work market

Nothing, I spent age 15 onwards in my bedroom on my computer, left the house maybe 1 per week on a walk.

user I would not stress. Welfare is a lot easier to access than most people are aware (especially if you can prove you are unemployed).

Firstly you need to find out what public organisation arrange welfare in your country. You should be able to find this online or through calling your local council.

From here simply talk to them, explain your situation (be honest as you are exactly in the situation welfare is there for). Make sure to make it very clear your relationship with your parents have come to and end and you can NOT return. Welfare officers will always try to promote this first as often these situations are just minor family disputes that blow over.

Just work with the system from there and if you need assistance, ask. This is what welfare is for and this is why you pay a high amount of tax. They can generally give you a grant to book a motel or something so you have a place to stay.

Keep your head up user. If your parents are this unsupportive you will likely find being on welfare will be somewhat liberating. You can take your life in your own hands, but what you make of it is ultimately up to you. Your still young so I suggest really trying to find work. Wage cucking sucks but not all jobs are like this. If you don't like it, leave.

Whatever you do - DONT COMMIT CRIME. As long as you don't have a criminal record, you can really do what you want with your life from here.

Good luck bro!

What happened to cause you to become such a pathetic cretin? Surely there was a turning point that you re-live every day in your head?

meanwhile you study you can get a low payed job to pay your studies

How did you get to America?

Apply for welfare and public housing, if you don't know how ask for help to social workers
Also ignore the moralfags lecturing you ITT

I have 6300k yen (= 53k euro). I'm live alone

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I don't know, I just woke up one day and was completely dis interested in socializing with people or doing anything, not even depressed.


Hitchhike through Europe and go to a southern European country. Summer is arriving and you can sleep outside


got full tuition covered at a uni in midwest

how? do I just go to some website and sign up and they will give me a job?

i don't know how

go to church and ask for help.
Also: looking for a job.

Go live in the woods. Hunt your own food, chop your own wood. Build your own house. Live life as it was meant to be lived.

Nigga just do a google search

Your parents didn't kick you out for being a parasite, they wanted you to become a man and be dependent on yourself, so. Suggest you do just that, it's ok to be on welfare, but you HAVE to come back to the house of your parents someday, holding the hand of your wife, and have your own house and car.

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well, you need to rewind and start over again. do and learn everything other people learned and experienced during that time period in as short time as possible. your lifestyle just isnt sustaineable without someone doing everything for you. i knew farming, mechanics and carpentry by 18 and i was also a geek that wasted nights away at the computer. never had a problem getting a job.

I have considered sleeping on the street, but I am afraid someone will stab me or do something else to me if I sleep outside.

>Labor job in a construction site
>Sleep there
>Save money
Welcome to the zoufri life.

good post

Wait what is this?

That's a fucking honeypot

You live in Finland, you people have social asistance for anything. Get on welfare, and on the meantime try to get a job, any stupid shit will do

I just did, just first look at it the whole site is too complicated and I can't understand anything, plus it gives me anxiety.

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FInland is too cold to do this

Weebs are so fucking cringe. Grow up.

Move to Estonia for a better life