ITT: Post the most based president in your cunt's history.
ITT: Post the most based president in your cunt's history
Bismark (technically, not the president, but who cares)
oh no, I did an oopsie
during his reign finland was called kekkoslovakia because he was kinda authoritarian and had good relations with soviet union.
Fuck off, viva la revolución libertadora la concha de tu hermana.
If for nothing else, he has the best political cartoons.
Commies are based.
But Peron was a retard and Peronism ruined Argentina?
That is a lie repeated by pro yankee cocksuckers like this guy
kekkonen literally murdered commies in his youth tho. he was just a realpolitik guy to the extreme.
more like the most shitty
fuck off gorilla
no he ruled the country about 10 years, but brainwashed retards here think that he ruled over 50 years.
My exact thoughts. No one cares about the president and Bismarck obviously mogs all other chancellors.
imagine being this retarded lmao
He's also the most based German to ever live in general
don't have a president because we're not a third world shithole
>peronchos on Yas Forums
that's it, Yas Forums is officially dead
Only true Americans will agree with me
Very true, he's one of the most based (and generally speaking most interesting) persons of all time in general.
Bullshit I've seen Scotland
based and if i may say so, redpilled
Are you saying Henry David Thoreau is not a true American?
Based, fuck spics
For a moment I thought they made Bismarck, a colossus of a man in real life and in politics, a total manlet here. Very based pic. By far the greatest German of modernity.
seething gorillas
More than Henry IV? I do not think so
so based he now can't fap because his hands were chopped off lmao
I think he was one of "the gays" if you know what I mean
he basically caused World War One
Bismarck was a good diplomat and the way he unified Germany was impressive but the dickriding he gets here is cringe
he wasn't good at domestic politics and he was opposed to democracy and represented monarchism and aristrocracy
He was asexual
>not even peroncho but a kuka
imagine falling this low lmao
not only his hands were chopped off, his whore evita's cadavre was raped. he got cucked beyond death
>On the day of Perón's return, a crowd of left-wing Peronists (estimated at 3.5 million according to police) gathered at the Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires to welcome him. Perón was accompanied by Cámpora, whose first measures were to grant amnesty to all political prisoners and re-establish relations with Cuba, helping Fidel Castro break the United States embargo against Cuba. This, along with his social policies, had earned him the opposition of right-wing Peronists, including the trade-unionist bureaucracy.
This guy sounds based as hell. Imagine having millions of both right and left wingers use your name to describe themselves.
John Curtin or Ben Chifley
>he was opposed to democracy and represented monarchism and aristrocracy
what's so based in that? you would just be one more pleb
>He wasn't good at domestic policy but united Germany
>Also he was right wing and thats bad
Democracy is highly overrated
T. American and you cannot argue with that
At least Diogenes brought a few whores around
no he didn't
>he was opposed to democracy
And? You have to view people in the context of their time.
>he wasn't good at domestic politics
The mistakes he did were fatal, but he still revolutionized many internal things.
Bismarck accomplished something that was deemed impossible. It took him three wars and a lot of tricks, but he his feat stands unparalleled. He was the leading man of continental Europe for almost 30 years and perhaps the most brilliant diplomat to ever live, even though his methods were questionable, especially from today's viewpoint which nevertheless is something you have to be careful with.
The only thing cringe is the fact that he gets mostly ignored and badmouthed today.
Shut up cuck boi, go sit in the democracy shed like a good little simp
Is he reading Gramsci? Damn I didn't know Pinochet was such a /lit/ conoisseur