For me it's well done
For me it's well done
>eating meat
>meeting eat
for me to, and a splash of heinz ketchup on the side so i can swirl the meat in it. that or the rick and morty sauce
wa la!
for me it's raw meat and blood
>Why yes, I do eat my meat raw. How could you tell?
I don't eat anything without a heartbeat.
for me its slicing meat so you can properly cook it
for me it's medium to medium-well
1. life is too short to care about rare diseases
2. cow meat is the most safe meat
Medium well is the only logical choice
Enjoy your tape-worm.
Well done only
>t. never ate anything other than well done
for me, it's medium
Medium-Well for me
fug, I need to make some tartare this weekend
Rare if it's high quality/expensive meat, medium or medium rare if it's standard quality.
Medium Well. Only A*glos get anything rarer than that. They are blood thirsty brutes.
For me it's medium
medium/medium rare
I've tried rare a bunch more times than I'd like because Yas Forums won't shut up about how "superior" it is. Well I don't find it more tasty at all, just annoying to chew. Please help me understand this meme. Until then I'll go for medium well
Anything more than medium rare is sandwich territory.
Rare. Occasionally blue.
Medium is pushing it. Anything beyond is a culinary disaster.
Fucking vegans. Why don't you get naked and live the rest of your life like a cow and munch on grass?
You need to find a middle ground. Well done is like eating leather while rare makes you chew for hours.
It's about the quality of the meat. I purchase meat from Tras-os-Montes I can cook rare or well it's always good. I enjoy most medium or medium rare.
medium well
Same, I don't eat raw meat lol
For me it's not spending the worth of 3 proper meals for severely overrated meme food when I can buy myself cheaper and tastier tatar instead
The whole steak """culture""" is such a pretentious shitshow it makes microbrew autists seem sane
why is it called rare and not raw tho