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1st for pitcairn island

I lifted 501kg at the gym before the lockdown, do I care? No. Because it's easy.


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"Weltschmerz" -- lit; “world-pain”; the feeling of sadness at the suffering that surrounds you; the despair produced by the ubiquity of distress & hardship; a weariness at the sheer burden of being.

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I find youtube clips have more comments now than in the past. A video with 2000 views has page after page of comments
If you want to sperg out typing shit, come to /brit/ where nothing mattters. I look at the comments section to get info



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i wonder if pitcairnians are seething that they aren't anymore known as #1 paedorape island.

>NOOOOOOOOO you can't let people set WRs in their own garage on their own equipment. iron biby just did the log WR in his garden but he's not claiming it's a real WR.

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americans seem to think they have some sort of meaningful rivalry with this country when in reality they're annoying, unwanted and share nothing in common with britain, like a bunny boiler

This is why no one likes talking about anything with yanks because for some unknown reason you take sides and give absolutely nothing to respond to.

haha love watching this little cunt bounding across my screen

no idea what you are talking about, but you shouldn't be able to unless you have an independent adjudicator

washed up

love strongman me, great fun
hate how it's turned into e-drama about deadlifting though

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oh god I really wish a group of women would blow air horns at me

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You have to admit black people make good music


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Aye same. Happens to good things I suppose.

Yas Forums has literally taken over the far-right political discourse

just had the gf's grandma go on about how the elites are all pedophile who sodomize little boys to absorb their power and how they are all descended from the 11 tribes of israel and that donald trump is a modern moses chosen as a warrior of god to fight the elite back and how we need to be "REDPILLING" as many people as possible

she was talking about pizzagate and shit which a few years ago was a Yas Forums conspiracy theory

what the actual FUCK is going on lads

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don't like it, knees hurt just looking at it

If someone gives me a (You), and their post gets (You)s, I count their (You)s as mine in my spreadsheet

deadlifting is just boring
it's a boring lift, the weights barely move
if it ain't above your head then who gives a fuck? not me

>unless you have an independent adjudicator
Thor will have a judge though.


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Disagree I find it very satisfying

they really don't
make a boring drum rhythm and slap an 808 on it and get some dosy cunt to lazily croak into the microphone and there you go 200M streams on spotify

somebody gave me this years ago but it looked meme so didn't read it

what's the score?

Oh shit, better buy a gun!

Was excited to see Shaw beat the 500k and now I know Thor is close I'm happy to see that.
Seeing someone lift 500kg regardless of it's the first or not is amazing.

>elites being pedos is a Yas Forums theory

Let's see who agrees with that

Brian Shaw
Robert Oberst
Big Z

Think their opinions might carry more weight than yours ;-)

right wingers are braindead morons
nowt new there

Everyday I thank God I'm not a yank.

Yas Forums is the origin for all far-right nonsense in the modern world, it just filters through slowly

>eat enough food to support a small family
>balloon in size to an unhealthy weight
ahh yes "strongman" - the sport for people who wish they could be neanderthals

it's simple
your gf's grandma browses Yas Forums

that pic is about 5 years old now, did a couple of local comps while I was at uni and not playing rugby. Want to get back into it really


About seeing the limits of the human body innit.



fuck off

hate this song shit song should be ashamed for posting it

Absolutely adore getting bummed

In the early 1900s the European far-right was run by the Tsar's secret police. Nothing ever really changes.

theyre strong man!

>boring drum rhythm
drum rhythms are either all simple and boring, or overcomplicated autistic shit that is also equally boring

>doing deathlifts

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Eh been following Strongman for years, just one of those things ain't it.

my resting heart rate is 47 bpm i run

Good man. I'll have my cock out and ready come bed time. Already banged the missus earlier tonight, but I think I can do it

Saw a spider in my bedroom 5 days ago, have been sleeping on the couch since then. When I find it and kill it, I will return to sleeping in my bed.


>me no like man lift heavy thing, me only like man run fast

Achieve something historic or rot in mediocrity

don't care enough to respond but don't reply to one of my posts ever again boring wog cunt

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this is a genuinely absolutely fucking peng track

except now it's run by the capitalists

we have protests all over the US with proles demanding they be allowed to wage slave for walmart

Oh shit, better buy a gun!

did he lose oxygen to the brain?

spiders are qts
british ones are anyway; i hear they have some scary ones elsewhere

>ahh dood no!! bro!!! nooo man nooo!! not muh heckin drummy beaterinos!!!

really not can't fucking stand it shit song hate music HATE music

Two Days One Night is a very good film

Will you fucking fat cunts recommend me a film or series to watch on Shitflix.


I think we should give poor people a fair go but also dont like being surrounded by negroes and ching chongs im a political anomaly

Pretty sure they are protesting so that they can earn money to pay for food m8.

haha lol x


withnail and i

Might post some Tommy Shelby pictures with quotes he didn't say x

Think my gf has an idea I have a foot fetish.

I am always 'accidentally' touching her feet or being near them in the room and since we've been quarantined she keeps lying with her soles in the air facing the camera and the other day she said 'do you miss my feet?'.

Does she know? Does she know I want her feet on ym face. I can't tell.

They do this literally everything. You can't not care about something you MUST be either on their side or against them.

I once woke up and a spider was crawling on my chest. I've had a fear of them ever since.

the businesses are the ones going under right now

government is paying us all 50k a year right now until the corona goes away, which is more than the average wageslave makes anyhow

I Am Mother on netflix


The fairest thing for the globe is to allow unfettered immigration unironically. Imagine Australia with 500m people. Global powerhouse

ah yes polyrhythms
>ahh dude it's like one beat AND another beat! it's such a skillful thing to do!!
and it sounds like shit
and you're pretentious

human resources are the biggest runt departments in toilplaces
the bootlickers and enforcers of the capitalist system who try to give exploitation a human face

mad how each set of plates wobbles independently

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just ask her if she wants a foot massage and take it from there.

no point about being upfront about it

did you watch good time yet

>clogwog is a Yas Forumstard
Somehow I'm not suprised.

actually i like mean who achieve things that actually benefit humanity

like helping to solve world hunger

rather than contributing to it


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I know you're LARPing but just suck her toes mate, she's your gf lmao

Testing testing one two three.

I already know someone has a shit taste in music when they call a song embedded from youtube "peng"

this is so sick

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Oh shit, better buy a gun!

foot fetish is the conclusive sign of a submissive beta male

Not everyone in the US qualifies. Hence why you have protests.

Would love to know what my forum pals think of my ongoing moustache

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did well for himself are ricky

I think she has an inkling though so don't want to ask her for her to say 'a foot massage, why?'

I hate giving her normal massages.

absolute dogshit

now THIS is a tune

went there for the first time this month
seething inceloid

overconsumption of food is not what causes world hunger

Got some scran for the lockdown weekend lads

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Highly recommend uncut gems x

i need to update my wardrobe but im too autism and living on the margins of life to know what looks good and whats in fashion

i also feel like most clothes dont suit me and i only feel comfortable in white/black tshirts and jeans

>All that hitching

Bad lift


kg almost killed me, my eyes and brain were bleeding, I had to have a hypnotist make me think I was pulling a car off my children, I was bedridden for months after recovering, also I could have done 550.

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looks jewish as fuck

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Can't, she's the prettiest and fittest girl (very tight, gym loads blonde) but she's also the least adventurous in bed.

It's very annoying.

One: Most black people are poor (and middle-class blacks are statistical noise). Almost half of the blacks surveyed in a Gallup poll supposed that three out of four black people live in inner cities. Yet in 2001 most black people are neither poor nor even close to it: by any estimation, middle-class blacks outnumber poor ones. And at last count, only one in five blacks lived in the inner city.

Two: Black people earn 61 percent of what whites do. Though accurate as a nationwide median in 1995, this figure is dragged down by the disproportionate number of single black welfare mothers. Black two-parent families earned 87 percent of what white two-parent families earned in 1995. Also distorting the median is the disproportionate number of blacks who live in the South, where wages are lower overall. If you look only at specific areas rather than at the nation as a whole, black household earnings in 1994 exceeded whites’ in 130 cities and counties across the nation.

Three: An epidemic of racist church burnings has swept across the South. There was never any such thing: about 80 black churches were burned from 1990 to 1996—but then over seven times that many white churches burned as well.

Four: The CIA created the inner cities by pumping drugs into them. This one pops up in pamphlet after pamphlet at leftist marches and gatherings; it is taught to many black college students. But the San Jose Mercury’s charges on this score proved false. Yes, some CIA agents aiding the Nicaraguan contras decided to look the other way and allow them to profit from some drug sales to California, but that’s hardly a plot to addict blacks in all of America’s inner cities.

it's great
only a simp would hate it

So? In the Great Depression the unemployed demanded work. Becoming a feckless mass living on scraps is not a life befitting the working class. What should be demanded is proper healthcare, reduced working hours, better working conditions and the nationalisation of industry.

>I hate giving her normal massages.
>not enjoyng the feamle form

if you have a foot fetish, you have to be good for massaging, because that gives you access to the feet.

anything else is cringe and weird.

>he believes people starve because some fat bloke ate too much and not because of the lack of capital investment in third world countries, despite there being more than enough food to feed 10 billion+ people on Earth

have you tried actually just communicating with her instead of peak spackism

utter garbage

>actually i like mean who achieve things that actually benefit humanity
higher, faster, stronger
Any unparalleled feat improves the human condition

i am uhtred son of uhtred
destiny is all

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We've moved on from this mate, read the room.

>not enjoying polyrhythms

Hello unironic plebeians.

it's literally made in Norway by Norwegians

>Four: The CIA created the inner cities by pumping drugs into them