What is actually going on in America...

What is actually going on in America? What is the mindset of the actual educated middle class American when these are your options for president?

Party and policy aside, both these men have proven on multiple occasions to be senile retards.

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We live in a third world country. Everyone just wants to get out as soon as possible.

uv me orange man

is it really that much better in new zealand?

Yes. Dramatically rofl.

the voter base is made up entirely of senile retards

Yeah I don't get it. It's almost as bad here.

Who would you prefer?
The senile old guy who tells people to inject bleach?
The senile old guy who gropes kiddies?
The senile old guy who literally took his honeymoon in the USSR?
The condescending old professor lady?
The token gay that gay activists hated because he wasn't gay enough?
The token black candidates that not even blacks voted for?

Because local elections matter more and people dont pay attention to them so the chain of apathy leads to literal clowns at the top

There were a lot of other centrist candidates that would probably have fared better in the general election, but as soon as the democratic primary happened in the Southern state Blacks voted for biden in bloc, which made Pete and Klob drop out and endorse Biden.

Yes. Jacinda has helped that country a lot.

>The senile old guy who literally took his honeymoon in the USSR
Who is he? This sounds based.

Generation X has failed us. They lack 'spirit.' Instead of tossing the Boomers out of power, they let the Boomers abuse them and control everything deep into their senile years. It's pathetic. And whenever a Gen-X'er in the US actually gets some power, they use it to serve Boomers. It's disheartening.

Attached: Ted Cruz - CUFI.jpg (2122x1243, 257.69K)

>zoomer yelling at black voter.jpg

This basically. It was either Bernie or Someone Else and it could have gone either way until black-heavy states went all in for Biden. Political commentators said he was doomed after Iowa and New Hampshire but as 2016 already showed those people don't know shit. After SC Democrats who didn't want to vote for a socialist piled behind Biden and his competitors dropped out because they remembered how Trump took over the Republican party because the establishment vote was too split.

There should be an /int middle class/ general

>The senile old guy who literally took his honeymoon in the USSR?
For me? It's this based boomer.


Then I would have voted for Sanders.

He is 79 years old.

He still sounds like the best of these

Trump will win.

>The senile old guy who literally took his honeymoon in the USSR?
Imagine this being considered a reason not to vote for Sanders.

applies to both desu. Yang and Tulsi were probably the only reasonable ones in the election and they also weren't old farts either.

blacks really only give a shit about themselves and saw Biden as an extension of Obama.

>orange man bad

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You are underestimating the large amount of white moderate dems who are spooked by communism

I wonder how life is in China.

The honeymoon in the USSR sounds good, Moscow and St Petersburg are nice cities after all

Literally name one thing wrong with drinking bleach and injecting UV?
UV light and bleach both kill coronavirus. President Trump knows what he's talking about.

America would be a grande nation without Republicans and black boomers.

Shut the fuck up. He isn't fucking up your country. You are probably a NEET too.

Indeed, if you are a true republican and not a rhino, you should all inject bleach into your body.

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and let me add I should just plain say Boomers in general are shit. How can a segment of the population that gets free healthcare and pensions can be so against socialistic practices?

If it kills Trump supporters than Trump is a genious.

I don't know why Biden triggers people so hard, he's just a harmless stooge who wants to preserve the pre-Trump status quo. The real question is why is he somehow as bad or worse than an openly corrupt moron who has 44% of the country desperately sucking his cock like a Van Halen crew slut.

Biden voted to invade Iraq. Biden voted for Bush's bankruptcy 'reform' bill in 2005, which made it impossible to eliminate PRIVATE student loan debt in bankruptcy. He's an absolute corrupt scumbag, in addition to being senile.