Best region in the US without contest

Best region in the US without contest
Bros winning, bitches crying

Attached: new_england.png (810x553, 92.05K)

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What would a Turk know?

GREAT LAKES is the best region

Nope, sorry.

Like 3 months outta the year maybe

Fuck that cold

Yes sorry

it was snowing tuesday i live in the bottom left cornor of new york

Attached: 1503814063618.png (225x224, 7.83K)

Surprised foreigners know about that, but yes, it's true. My state (MA) is literally the most advanced state entity in the world. Best living standards, pay, schools, industry, healthcare, etc.

Know your place next time, coastlet

Attached: 1586568660376.png (1310x1200, 165.9K)

New England is the only good region in the US.

Attached: 1583800275346.png (612x612, 778.37K)

New England is unironically the most developed place in the world. Not counting California because fuck them

Imagine living in New Hampshire. Earning over 100k per year, having as many guns as you want, low crime rates, beautiful nature, it must be paradise.

No its not. From your own retard link.

Connecticut and Massachusetts are on top. Not even good places to live just "high HDI". Have you ever even been to Boston? Let alone smalltown fucksville, MA?
Then Minnesota (Midwestern) and New Jersey (mid Atlantic) are above New Hampshire.
Then DC (Southern), Colorado (Western), New York (mid Atlantic), North Dakota (Midwestern), Hawaii (Western), Washington (Western), Alaska (Western) are all above Vermont.
Then Maryland (Southern), Nebraska (Midwestern), Wyoming (Western), Delaware (Southern), California (Western), Utah (Western), Oregon (Western), Illinois (Midwestern), Virginia (Southern), South Dakota (Western), South Dakota (Western), Wisconsin (Midwestern), Iowa (Midwestern), Pennsylvania (Mid Atlantic), THE USA MEDIAN, are all above Rhode Island
Then Montana (Western) is above Maine.

New England is just a bunch of wealthy redneck/WASP hybrids. Don't like rednecks? Don't like WASP? Then you don't like Meme England. Their HDI isn't even good outside of CT/MA

Drop shitnnecticut and you've got yourself a deal.

How is New Jersey even that high, I thought it was mostly a suburb for people who can't afford to live in NY.

>Hawaii (Western)

>South Dakota (Western), South Dakota (Western),

ack, midwest**

half of the US has the exact same climate

too bad Boston is a festering shithole, other than that it is a wonderful region to visit.

New England, especially Boston area is a tech hub, especially in areas such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics, internet infrastructure, Bio tech, Fin Tech. Major centers for all large tech firms plus large number of startups in all technology and engineering areas. Boston is ranked as one if the top 5 innovation/future cities in the world and it has good R&D department. Tf has Minnesota have? Somalis raping Scandinavian things but in American continent? I admit Minnesota is way developed compared to any Midwest state but that's it. Plus average income is way lower in MN.

>brown person likes brown person hotspot

that makes it not shitty?

Honourary Leafs. And Minnesota.

Literally is.

In fact it has the Western MOST geographic center of any US state.


Attached: 27F5725C-8D96-4A8D-8558-15037CDAFBE9.png (300x193, 33.26K)

>Scandinavian things

*median income
Germany will be a third world country by this century while NE will continue to sit on its throne.

ah yes very culturally connected to california, seattle, etc

what is that, a heatmap of obese sister fucking inbred african admixtured baptist scum?

BASED and redpilled

>a heatmap of obese sister fucking inbred african admixtured baptist scum?


pros: education is valued, our redneck retards are as smart as the average person from shitty states, high hdi, people don't try to stab other citizens in the back in most policies, wide variety of nature in a small area, rural areas used to be moderates who were somewhat liberal but supported gun rights and such, that's changing now though and they're becoming the same retards as anywhere else

cons: connecticut is a giant suburb, rhode island used to be and still might be extremely corrupt, all of our cities outside of boston are run down shitholes, there's no tech jobs outside of the greater boston area and parts of connecticut, NIMBY faggots outside of boston refuse to build more housing so prices are insane and commutes are miserable with not enough density for quality public transport*utoid
Your “country” should’ve been nuked instead of the japs

seething subhuman southerner scum

the only good parts of america are
>New England
>PNW (parts that califags haven't ruined)

we couldn't even get an offshore wind farm built because rich people would have to look at it, we seriously need to hang the rich people here

>GREAT LAKES is the best region
my decedents :)

>our redneck retards are as smart as the average person from shitty states
How are they supposed to be retards if they're smart enough to be average? I'm confused.

There are suburbs in New Jersey that make Manhattanites look like paupers by comparison

>Best region in the country
>Half its states have been in decline for over a decade

the bar is set very low in many places

>ah yes very culturally connected to california, seattle, etc

Doesn't need to be "culturally connected", I mean Michigan and Nebraska have zero culture in common but yet still Midwestern. I don't even think you can compare the culture of Southern California to Seattle to Utah but they are all 'Western".

Lol Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas are some of the the fastest growing states in the country while the Midwest continues to be a bunch of irrelevant corn farmers, The PNW is overly expensive and full of homeless people, and New England, with the exception of Vermont, NH, and Maine, continues to be a soulless, miserable shithole where literally no one is happy.

>Midwest continues to be a bunch of irrelevant corn farmers,
How fucking wrong you are.

seething quasi-nigger who still fumes over yankees kicking his shit in