Why won't the USA just annex mexico? think about it

why won't the USA just annex mexico? think about it
>mexicans get citizenship
>huge work force
>united states gains literal trillions in natural resources
>latina qt's for everyone
>force all the olmec-tier mexicans into ghettos with poor blacks
>good vacation destinations
i can't see anything wrong with this??

Attached: annexation.jpg (777x437, 78.26K)

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>100 million of these running around our country
yeah, no thanks

Attached: FtiYkw_V_400x400.jpg (380x380, 13.38K)

i, too, think this is the best option at this point

>100 million of these running around our country
yes please

Attached: mexicana.jpg (500x500, 29.68K)

How much crack did you just smoke?

I'll support annexing Mexico if we deport all the mexican men where they belong (Gautemala) and take their qts

w-what happens to baja california.

I would only accept an annex by either Japan or Spain


let california secede and take baja with it

Lol she's 1 in a million. Besides she wouldn't settle for you, she can get richer.

>latina qt's for everyone
All mexican girls look like olmecs, only colombia and brazil has cute latinas

Attached: average mexican olmec.jpg (2880x1920, 3.35M)

ok based

Is the girl on the left olmec?

Attached: 1586664068373.jpg (2160x1440, 1.95M)

i'm wealthy and half black
she'd definitely come after me

lmao, if there are people who would rather be recolonized than get annexed by us, shows how far we've come in pissing everyone off

90% of mexicans love the states
one seething olmec on Yas Forums won't be able to do shit

she is pure iberian but only 1% of mexico is like that


>let me tell you about your country

honestly thought i’ve been to guadalajara and jalisco id say 60% of them looked like that

> she's pure iberian
lol no, neither the mexican nor the colombian are

Isn't like half of your country Mexican already? lol


Attached: olmec phenotype (you).jpg (2170x1920, 1.23M)

sadly only like 15%

U mad?

Attached: 181093_191105937581276_6062330_n.jpg (194x181, 6.35K)

You look pure iberian, pretty rare for a mexican

t. olmec diaspora

hay que te envidio

Attached: Fetal+alcohol+syndrome.jpg (400x252, 30.99K)

>"We have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the very first instance of the kind, of incorporating an Indian race; for than half of the Mexicans are Indians, and the other is composed chiefly of mixed tribes. I protest against such a union as that! Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race.... We are anxious to force free government on all; and I see that it has been urged ... that it is the mission of this country to spread civil and religious liberty over all the world, and especially over this continent. It is a great mistake."

times have changed