
IQ edition

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I'm not praising it, just saying that without the war we would all be living in better conditions today.


He wants to shoot your mother

It is one of the miracles of communism how you managed to achieve the world's highest inflation, while in subsistence farming near starvation mode.
But yes, if a united Yugoslavia entered the EU together or something, it would do better.

how can anyone be so clueless?


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>But yes, if a united Yugoslavia entered the EU together or something, it would do better.

it would be a paradise richer than Spain

Your mother is a swine, a dirty subhuman, just like you.

My relationship with kelly and ikibey is like a mirror of Turkey’s relationship with Armenia and Greece IRL. Big and strong country ocassionally bullying country versions of that cocky short fat kid in school for a short time, leaving them at eternal seethe mode and they try to grab its attention by constantly yelling only to get their existence ignored lmfao. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners

wow what's with the negative vibes? is it ramadan again? hahaha

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Absolutely not. Probably not even bigger than Greece. But it would be Romania tier.

What are you talking about, nigger?

Turkey literally (unirobically) imports sperm from Greece

How could a country with Slovenia and Croatia be Romania tier? Even Kosovo was far wealthier than Romania in the 1980s.

this post reeks of Cringeullah™. nobody cares about your shitty pseudo-relationships in the internet

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We'd definitely be ahead of all balk countries
Certainly not as good as the west, but somewhere on the level of v4 cunts

no idea, what are you talking about?

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Belarus wtf?

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My relationship with kelly and ikibey is like a mirror of Turkey’s relationship with Armenia and Greece IRL. Big and strong country ocassionally bullying country versions of that cocky short fat kid in school for a short time, leaving them at eternal seethe mode and they try to grab its attention by constantly yelling only to get their existence ignored lmfao. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners

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Kes lan ırzını siktiğimin krosu

There's nothing fun to do there m8.

you'd be much richer, Serbia in the 1980s was heaven comparing to any of v4 countries and in the EU with a capitalist and democratic system it would be far ahead of us

They are smart cookies

how's the ramadan going jihad bro? with all the pandemic and shit mowing you down

If Russia contained only ethnic Russians, Russia would be as high as the Belarus.

We are master race :)


Slovenia and Croatia are wealthier BECAUSE they aren't in Yugoslavia. If they stayed, they wouldn't be.

In my opinion a modern Yugoslavia would be Serbia, but bigger. A bigger Serbia is Romania.

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I am sorry, but this is false.

>Slovenia and Croatia are wealthier BECAUSE they aren't in Yugoslavia

They were wealthy in Yugoslavia too, especially Slovenia got richer due to all the Serbian factories Tito and Kardelj moved there.

>Dr Spasoje Medenica, a Federal Minister, calculated that the internal debt (including the outstanding bills, the overruns of investment costs and the credit obligations to the National Bank arising from the devaluation of the dinar) amounted in 1983, to 2,000 billion dinars: a figure representing one half of Yugoslavia's national income. According to Branko Ćolanović, the Chairman of Jugobanka of Belgrade in 1983, 'Yugoslav enterprises are indebted to the banks and the banks to each other, and everyone is indebted to everyone else. We are excessively preoccupied with foreign currency and have neglected dinar insolvency.' In these circumstances the persistent IMF clamour for 'a positive rate of interest' i.e. one that is higher than the current rate of inflation, has predictably fallen on deaf ears.

>To prevent a financial breakdown, massive rescue operations worth several billion dollars each had to be put together in 1983 and again in 1984, by international institutions, capitalist governments and commercial banks, under the sponsorship of the US administration, relieving the Yugoslavs of the immediate obligation to repay the capital."
Embarrassing, honestly.

>In my opinion a modern Yugoslavia would be Serbia, but bigger. A bigger Serbia is Romania.
Definitely not m8, if we stayed united and joined EU we'd get a lot more gibs. We wouldn't have gone through sanctions, bombing, Bosnia would be better because no war, same with Croatia, we'd have the Croatian coast and all of its tourism, etc.

It could be an easy equal to Greece because even 20 years later, there is still a tech/industrial advantage over Greece due to inherited Yugo infrastructure and knowledge (and due to Greek incompetence).

Croatia cannot match Greek tourism but it's a good source of foreign currency nonetheless. Main drawbacks would be a relatively poor agricultural sector and not a great location to create any sort of trading hub. There should be some serious investment in rail and road connections to Greece and then north and west to the rest of the EU. For me, it's one of the biggest things to shape that region.

olum bu amına kodumun slavlarıyla otistik laf yarışına girerek ne kadar Cringeullah™ bir durum içinde olduğunu anlamıyor musun? yaratan a*lah[spoiler]PİÇi[/spoiler] ıslah etsin seni

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Reminder this madman predicted the fall of yugoidshittia as it happened 30-40 years earlier

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just imagine all these genetics research laboratories and IT hubs in Pristina...

>Drake song
Turkey confirmed for gay

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That's not an accomplishment, any retard could have seen it coming

what a good guy, probably the only Albanian I ever liked, he's the one and only that actually managed to keep albanians inside albania for decades.
God bless him.