Why do Minnesotans LARP as vikings?

Why do Minnesotans LARP as vikings?

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>higher rate of blondism than Sweden
you tell me, faggot

Minnesota is in the based region of USA

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Swedes were not vikings, that was the D*nes and Norwegians.
>The Dakota

>there are towns in the US that are majority norwegian

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this is not /sp/ OP, fuck off

We're not talking about sports, faggot.

Minnsota Vikings are proof that Vikings are black

do you even know what a viking even is?

Yes, not Swedes.

u mad?

Do we really look like that now? What went wrong?

yeah towns of like less than 1000 people lmao

you can tell by the fella in the green hoodie

viking as fuck

>all those swede descent people and somalis in minnesota

>live in Minnesota
>blue eyes
>enjoy Royksopp (can't be fucked to type the accent though, I'm a burger) and Todd Terje
>want to study Lie groups, named after Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie
>read Giants in the Earth during college
>some Swedish on dad's side, Norwegian on both
>enjoy the 2011 The Thing prequel with the Norwegian cast even though the CGI was bad
>had a roommate from Iceland in college, a nice fellow
>Mom's retired sister and her husband did a trip to the old country a few years ago and visited one of the two tri-points (I think the one with Russia) in the north

Muh Heritage.

It's really like a miniature Sweden.

Family from Norway has come to Minnesota to visit. We shot guns and fished, mostly.

The Swedish viking went east, which is why you don't know anything about them.

They founded Russia

swedish """""vikings""""" were cuck merchants who didn't pillage and raid like chad norwegians or danes. also rurik was a finn.


as a midwesterner, the only problem i have with northern midwesterners is their retarded accent.
“Oooo ya hohney, oid lahv to gö skiing witcha tooday!”

Vikings from Swedish west coast went west with danes and norwegians, vikings from Swedish east coast went east and raped finns

>raped finns
who raped who? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillage_of_Sigtuna

>tfw not in Svalbard maintaining the seed bank even though the treaty says I can go

We raped each other, my brother.

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>Kvens raid Sweden
>Runestone Gs 13 in Gävle describes the death of a Viking named Egil on a campaign to Tavastia lead by Freygeirr sometime in the early 11th century.
>Olaf II of Norway is defeated by Finns somewhere in Uusimaa.
>Runestone U 582 describes Viking named Ótrygg killed in Finland. According to historian Unto Salo the raid was done between 1030-1050

Looks like savo people were never raped by swedes.

My descendants :)

Kvens were Norwegians. It doesn't matter if one guy died on your lands while raiding it. We took it all later anyway