How's your handwriting?

How's your handwriting?

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ugly. I wish i had some 18/19 century style handwriting

Readable and okay.

I can't remember the last time I wrote something by hand

been told it's good

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>connecting all of your printed letters anyways
What the actual fuck are you doing? Just learn actual cursive and write pic related over and over.

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Shit but I don't care.

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ugly af desu senpai


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watch this
tb󠛡h fa󠛡m

Pretty bad. Most people tell me it sucks and that they can't understand it. I've grown too tired of trying to make it understandable after many years of writing.

I've been told by someone who's handwriting is unreadable that my handwriting is the worst he's seen

are you a doctor?

having unreadable handwriting only helps read similar unreadable hadnwritings, if it's unreadable in a different way then it's still hard

Forgot the picture

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it's just idiosyncratic
it would be more readable if you adopted more common forms for letters

do you know how to grab the pencil? When I was a teenager many people complain about their caligraphy but most of them grab the pencil in a weird way

Can't bother to do so. Force of habit

the sharpness of the letters reminds me of Kurrentschrift


I like yours

it's readable
if your doctors write like that then i'm really surprised
this is how ours do

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Jesus fuck. They don't even bother on placing the horizontal bar on the ш and м.

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God damn. Do russians write in block letters for stuff like legal documents, or is it always like this?

what happened to cursive writing? when did it become so shit? they look round and infantile unlike before
that being said, I can't understand shit of how they used to write

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pretty bad desu

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lmao that's doctor script, not normal handwriting
normal handwriting is more like a mix of cursive and print, the actual proportion depending on the writer
in EГЭ sheets (it's our exam thing), they give examples of print letters we have to follow when writing names and answers, pic related

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It's a different style. Medieval is either not really cursive or halfcursive. Loopy full cursive only starts at 17-18th century or so.

Looks fine to me

Shit. Lel

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