Ramadan is here edition
Ramadan is here edition
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nice cherrypicking. you really are lapping up this shit and the media hype.18 year olds get heart attacks are you never going to leave your house again?
Societal experience on TV right now
Post physique and I'll take your opinion into consideration.
i dont want to go back to work im enjoying my days of drinking vodka at 8 in the morning
Can a sponge go to heaven if he follows Islam?
Kill the homosexuals.
faggot you just want to see mens bodies. that has nothing to do with the point i'm making
if you want to see bodies (none of which have died from the whu flu because it's highly infectious but not killing everyone despite the media hype you parrot)
Hug the homosexuals.
so sick of gays and gay related shit
Is /brit/ ever not colonized by non-British flags? What a cucked general.
fuck homos
This is the root of it. I'm not even mad at user, I'm drinking myself and watching a lot of movies. I'm just wish people were honest.
btw lots of people are going to starve (in the 3rd world and some here) and die from not getting elective surgeries that progress into worse conditions. so while being drunk is nice it's fucked up to keep shut down for that reason.
Hug them to death with a hydraulic press.
Animals do not have souls.
at least corona will end the fag pride parade in june
>faggot you just want to see mens bodies. that has nothing to do with the point i'm making
> if you want to see bodies (none of which have died from the whu flu because it's highly infectious but not killing everyone despite the media hype you parrot)
nice reply faggot
Real fun hours eh
Wu-Flu more like crapshoot
Faggot? Where? Where is the faggot? We must lynch them.
That's pretty vague.
Does Allah just destroy all animals that ever existed at the end of time, or do they intrinsically follow Islam?
take the hint fag. we just hide your posts. go to lgbt if you want to erp
lgbt must be expunged from the site.
Definitely fun when the anti-homo posts.
Does he have literally nothing better to do besides talk aboutsexuality?
How’s your simple IRA or 401k doing, /coom/?
Such questions shouldn't be asked
bros i'm a HUGE fan of spicy chicken wings
I also LOVE fried chicken especially if its spicy
Wish I had good sauce at home. Could go for some really spicy stuff.
Hmm. I dislike that. I understand that Allah knows best, and that all that has been revealed is all that will be revealed, but I have been made curious, and was hoping that there would be a definitive answer.
i have no money or future i'll just end up killing myself soon
Allah is a pedophile
fine. boss puts 3% in regardless and i'm not retiring tomorrow
Anything in extremes is not good. Extreme unneeded curiosity that doesn't help anyone or anything is an extreme.
oh says the biggest pedo on /cum/
like just stfu u hypocrite
Apparently not. Sad!
My coaster used to be a dock in the ocean. Now it's just a grey block of smudge. I miss it.
10% of my money goes to retirement.
I currently have $60000 in a retirement portfolio. Can't wait till it all disappears when the economy collapses.
I’m not pedo you pedo
Liking teenage girls is not pedophilia....
I hope I was made this way for a reason, besides as a challenge to overcome. Anyways, thank you for answering my question.
>those eyes
Death and destruction. Hell and decay.
When someone is worth so little that you can practically see right through them. The carbon molecules that holds his existence together cry and revolt.
yes u are
you started lusting after greta the same month she turned 17
Nope. It's ephebophilia. At least if there 15+.
Is it really that worn? My goodness.
Hebephilia and ephebophilia are paraphilias defined by sexual deviancy. Virtuous attraction to a woman that is pubescent is not any kind of paraphilia. Sexual attraction to prepubescents is a paraphilia in any case since it that is a sub-rational and non-virtuous feeling.
>Virtuous attraction to a woman that is pubescent is not any kind of paraphernalia
Would you mind defining "virtuous attraction"?
What’s it called when someone fetishizes niggers?
What the actual fuck is wrong with his legs?
>Would you mind defining "virtuous attraction"?
Interest in marriage.
Paraphiliacs are fornicators.
hes a nazi
Stance, angle of photograph and what looks like a little bit of photo editing.
Nothing wrong with liking dark meat over white meat.
hey ladies listen
imagine coming to Yas Forums
and (this will make you laugh) filtering people!
like lol go back to your safe space snowflake lol
Hm, does that make virtuous bestiality, then?
What is the purpose of marriage if not to fornicate and produce offspring?
ale craves white American and Canadian cock
what a whore