Multi-lingual anons have you ever heard someone shit talking in their language but you understood them?

Multi-lingual anons have you ever heard someone shit talking in their language but you understood them?

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one time there was an American family on the train and they talked about how Germans only work 35 hours a week.

Yes because I look like a guiri in summer

in Japan.
Bodybuilder type American dude speaking loudly and standing in front of the train's door blocking passage and being amazed that there were monitors showing commercials inside the train, basically narrating to his friend everything he was seeing.

Japanese old woman started basically saying (in a polite manner) how much of a subhuman he was, to the other elderly lady sat next to her.

I didn't know the Game Theory guy was that kind of man

once in greece i heard some swedish men talking something about me speedos and penis

Some Japs in a bar said how I looked scary and that he doesn't like gaijin. We made eye contact and I had to smile a bit. He bowed a couple of times and apologized.

Also in Japan: Some highschool girls sitting near me said that I am pretty good looking even though I looked a bit scary with my beer. They said foreigners often looked good. One asked the other whether she wouldn't want to date me jokingly. After a while I couldn't hold it anymore and had to snicker a bit. Both were very ashamed and apologized a million times even though I tried to tell them that I am not offended.

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holy shit what a pic

no because we cant understand natives speaking English. I only understand non native ppl speaking english. You guys can't speak your language

Germans genuinely talk about America and Americans a lot, we're their cultural boogeyman