Is there any bigger loss of the genetic lottery than being born with brown eyes?

Is there any bigger loss of the genetic lottery than being born with brown eyes?

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being canadian

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yes being me

these eyes look green or blue to you?

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Being Brazilian subhuman

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Yes. Being white lol

Eye shape matters more

pls no more bully

How do i even cope?

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>Penis size



>Eye color

Who almond shaped brown eyes master race here?

Unironically this. /thread

I prefer to have brown eye with my 1m90 than a blue eyed midget

There's no coping. We just lost. We're losers. No way to cope or rationalize it

almond shape if feminine

up is a blue waffle
middle is shrek
and bottom is chocolate

should i just kill myself then? How else am i supposed to escape this?
meant to say "is"


Feels good man

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This, Ivan!

Eyes of the Pharaoh.

>blue eyes
why yes I am a homosexual, how did you know?

Whatever makes you end up on this website

Not this shit again, seek help

I would even say your hand size as a male is more important than eye color. Imagine having smaller hands than a woman

Lots of things more important. Shoulder width, neck girth; these are all more important than penis size, even

I can easily tell you're a pajeet just by looking at your eye

Doesn't matter if you're a me

Too bad i’m not a pajeet, macaco

Don't let that triracial monkey try to get you down, king.