Rubs your leg

>rubs your leg

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In Israel, stray cats will walk up to you and do that.

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Why are israeli cats so caring and wholesome?

gato :DDD

People take good care of them, and since people don't really seal or lock their garbage bins, some cats scavenge there for food. They're used to living around people.

they want to guilt trip you into giving them free food, much like israelis themselves

I like this post.
I don't like this post.

you were brainwashed my brother, i am sorry for you and your country ... we will come save you one day, i promise

Cat :D

Fuck off, nazi scum. I spit on your grave.

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you're the nazi moron, if you didn't feel so guilty so wouldn't have such a kneejerk reaction, personally i don't care

Knock Knock

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snf snf snffffff snf snf

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>nazi moron

You said 'nazi' twice.

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Gâteau :DDD


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i'm gonna say it again : "german"

>i'm gonna say it again

He's said it before and he's not afraid to say it again! This is what a REAL man does! This is what true leadership looks like!


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they are jewish cats, they're up to something

i fuck your mother

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Sex is now and forevermore foreign to your experience, little incel.

So sorry :3

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sorry this is gusic thread not gringe thread

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your gay emoticons sum up very well the state of current germans, a gelded people, you probably have sex and that is by getting sodomized by your government mostly

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>your gay emoticons

Guise, there are straight emoticons, and then there are gay emoticons! Gay emoticons, you guise! Some, I assume, are even bi!!!


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