How to save this? White plays

how to save this? White plays.

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-123846~2.png (720x732, 38.24K)

queen to king 10

only way to win the game is to not play


How the fuck does that save anything

trade rooks and then check his king with queen e4

I don't think there's a way to save that


queen c6
either eat your queen or its draw
if eat then you are "just" Bishop behind

The white rook can't take the black one you brainlet

Yeah I agree

How you're going to trade rooks if it's pinned you dumb spic?!

f3-g2 checkmate


"draw" by e8, c6 ecc.

e8 to c6, black queen will have to move

ok bobby fisher and capablanca, i'm sorry I didn't realize that, don't behead me please

how to save this? White plays.

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black king is checked so it has to move, black queen gets rekt and then black rook takes queen

Queen c6 check
Queen captures on c6
Pawn captures on c6 with check
King captures on c6
Rook captures on f2
I think that's a way to do it

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cant be saved right now, white fucked since the opening, surrender and start a new game

Yeah he’s fucked big time

Let's do it french style by beheading the king, the queen and the bishops and starting a revolution

start with c6, either yellow or red make sense

Who /go/?

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wait, you could also draw instead of eating his queen by c6 again if he move his king.

Queen c6

Check the king at d1h1, should be obvious after that.

Quite easy, dumbasses.

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king can go to 8b/8c
black queen can take white queen

that's the right answer