Do Japanese people smoke weed?

Do Japanese people smoke weed?

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What about Korean people?

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They look down on weed as a hippie drug and smoke the more sophisticated crystal meth

>the more sophisticated crystal meth
why would you do such a thing?

it's illegal here

The only socially acceptable drug is cocaine, prove me wrong.


Coffee and alcohol exist

i'll get arrested if i smoke

Potheads are seen as subhuman by everyone everywhere. If you deny this then you're a delusional pothead

alcohol is debateable but coffee, seriously ? i guess you include, sugar, salt, fat, and all that stuff as well, prettysure this is the kind of definition that includes video games, television, having sex, doing sports ...
not "drugs"

this robotic thinking right here made Japan the most awesome country around

One of the few things East Asia does right is capital punishment for any sort of drug related offenses. I dare you degenerate stoners try to smuggle weed into a country like Singapore or the Philippines

Caffeine is a drug technically, and you can maybe argue its not, but what are your argumentations forma alcohol?

the most japanese reply possible

Whats your suicide rate again?

Drugs are bad, mkay?

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Caffeine is absolutely a drug. A pretty bad one too.

You might get to have sex if you smoke otaku


Japan copying all its culture and morals from China and America has led to some incredibly funny situations. Getting hammered all day, never having sex, gambling while pretending not to gamble are cool but smoking pot is the worst thing ever

>"y-you can't ban drugs! Prohibition doesn't work!"
>meanwhile Japan exists
Really makes you think.

ok go and sniff cocaine, maybe you can get them easily in South America right?
and waste your lifetime in jail
i don't want to do that because i'm robotic

how many years of prison for 1g of weed?

Well, since we are splitting hairs about technicalities here, i will say this : drugs are caracterized by two things, 1) their psychotropic effect, 2) their ability to create dependence.

"Alcohol" is not "ethanol", alcohol is defined as any product that contains ethanol. For example, vinegar. Vinegar is not a psychotropic substance, and does not create dependence (i would be curious as to your proof of the contrary !) therefore, not all alcohols are drugs. By extension, you can not say "alcohol is a drug" in the same way that you can not say "food makes you fat" or "drinks hydrate you", as, while commonly accepted, the premise is too broadly defined and makes this statement incorrect.
To keep going with this demonstration by the absurd, 90° cleaning alcohol is also "alcohol". It does not have psychotropic effects (that i know of ?) nor create dependence, since it immediately kills you, making dependence impossible.

Almost the same as the US.

coffee doesn't do shit

Everyone knows an average Jap hates his life more than anything.

My friends brother got caught with weed.

Hes spending years in prison

how many years and how much weed was he caught with? do japanese people really not smoke weed in high school?

>that face when Japanese user doesn't want to talk to you

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maybe if you answered my poss he'd answer yours, it's like karma, sorry i proved that alcohol is not a drug

you were having a conversation with a different Mario mon ami

ok weed but what about other stuff? i cant imagine my life without at least some of drugs.

I think 3 years. Smoking weed is completely illegal. Only the fucked up gangster kids do it.

oh ok
surely if you are a real italian you can agree there is nothing wrong with drinking red wine, right ?

me neither, are we europeans just natural junkies?

>Only the fucked up gangster kids do it.
like in Shonen Junai Gumi? seems like a kino adolescence though

>nothing wrong with drinking red wine
anyone who disagrees with this is a larper or a mohamed

fuck that's crazy. He was just smoking it, not selling? Weed is illegal here too but no one gives a fuck if you don't sell it in huge amounts, if they catch you with anything under 30g you're not even getting a charge

I got caught with some grams in high school, they just take you to the police central and schedule an appointment with the "drugs are bad mmkay" guy in a government building. it doesn't show in your criminal record either, it's a civil offence like getting a traffic ticket.

are japanese posters familiar with this author?
his books are pretty filled with drugs (and sex with BBC)

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