Do you go running in your country?

Do you go running in your country?
I usually run 6 kilometers every other day, normally takes me 30 minutes
I'm gonna do it in half an hour or so again

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Only HIIT sprinting for 20 minutes every other day. Anything longer is too boring.

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how far to you run in 20 min?

3.5 km

Feels good, doesn't it?
I run 5k in the woods almost every day, some hills, so it's a good workout.
Sometimes it's hard to make yourself run, but when you do it's nice.

Have barely been able to run in the past 4 years due to knee injuries.
Should get a final surgery later this year and hopefully finally be able to go running again.

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yeah feels good being fit
only bad thing is that running speeds up my digestion and when I go running I suddenly get a massive urge to take a shit
so I always need to shit before I go running
you can go swimming
unfortunately not now because of Corona but when it's over again
I wanted to go swimming regularly in a long time, did it for a while last summer
it's even better than running probably because it works out your entire body

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Yeah I did go swimming for a while. It's good exercise but I find it rather boring.

I'm currently going on 1 hour bikerides.
Trying to make them intensive to get a good workout and I'm really enjoying them.

riding bicycle is good too but I feel you have to do much longer distances to get the same intensity as a normal run

No, which is why I gained 20kg since the lockdown started

I run after 22:00 so there are no people out since I wipe snot constantly with my shirt arms and make weird angry noises and coughs

Yeah you do.
I would really recommend a fitwatch or whatever you call them. That way you can track your heartrate, kilometers and calories while exercising.
It's really helped push me.

I saw a bunch of fatties going on a jog this morn. I could feel them seething as they looked upon my genetically superior body.

>make weird angry noises and coughs
I do too but idgaf and go running during the day
sometimes when I'm running in a city people get scared because I'm so loud and approaching so fast kek

I can't breathe after running half a kilometer

are you eating an entire turkey every day? wtf

yes alot, before the cuarentine starded i used to run 5km 6 days a week

yes I run away from my responsibilities every day

I was a decent runner in 2013, did 3000m in a Coopers test. Then quit for some time, gained 10kg and now running hurts my ankles and knees. Shame because I'm starting to like it again

then keep walking or jogging slower, the important thing is just not to stop
do it regularly, eventually you'll get there
cardio is very important for your health, you should do it
unironically used to do this during depressive phases
like a form of meditation to jog or go swimming
and it doesn't require you to think much

No. The police will gimme a 300 euros bill.


Been running 5.5km everyday sor a month now my best time being 26 minutes

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had the same problem
you need to hit the ground with your toes first instead of your ankle or you'll fuck up your joints
I'm retarded so it took me a while to implement it in my running "technique" but as of recently it seems to work
you also might want to get different shoes with a bigger cushion for your heels
here you're allowed to go outside but not with more than one other person

I also suspect its the form. Back in the army days I was much lighter and younger so never had to learn the proper form. I'll take a look at the shoes, thanks for the tip.


yeah it really keeps you down, I have started to work out at home every day tho so I'm getting there. I should really get back into swimming once all this corona shit is over with, used to be really into it as a kid.
also nice digits

More or less. Almost 1kg of meat every lunch

I used to be fat (180cm/100kg) but i started diet on August 18th 2018
i eliminated sugar entirely and i started losing 5kg per month

after i lost weight i started running in April 2019, year ago
at the beggining i literally couldn't run longer than 2 minutes but i managed to get myself to run for 30 minutes straight
i was running 5 kilometers every second day entire year but had to stop recently because of coronavirus

i'm planning to get back to it soon, i even bought some new adidas shoes with the Boost technology because they were on sale

pic is me on the day i started diet, 100kg

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and this is me sometime in 2019

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Im trying to have discipline and run, its been difficult.

I remember you posting about your progress
based achievement m8, you can be proud

We also did some stairs running with a friend before the lock down. 261 steps up and down as many times as you can. Thighs are burning after that. We replaced the stairs with a couple of quite steep hills but it feels more in the lungs than in the legs

I run 5km every other day, but it feels like hell on earth every time. When does it get easier bros?

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i think im going to start running on all fours

Nice effort.

Can you please describe what an average daily food diet looks like for you ?