
/balk/ - hug the hun edition

old balkan

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Glory to Bulgaria!

^ this

My ancestors making the world a better place :)

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Based Sloni 2


>mfw the cuck Horthy arrested these heroes

Shame it all had to go to shit. Without the war we'd be miles ahead of this shithole state we're in now

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Slonis ancestor making the world a better place :)

Attached: Zoltán_Dani.jpg (766x960, 83.07K)

>Székelynigger/Romanian mutt
>my ancestor
Nope. Also Székelyniggers are known for working for the enemies of the Hungarian nation.

This is why we refuse to accept you into the Natio Hungarica.

Ok, Sz*kely.

Literally BLACKED: the neighbors in terms of history

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>From the Hungarian noun szultán (“sultan”). It has Turkish origins
do ungaroids really?

serbia is the only white balkan country

Székelys died for your right to live on Hungarian soil. They battled the Slavic hordes form the streets of Kolozsvár to Marosvásárhely. All your people did was beating some Serbian kid to death in 5v1 then crying about it.

It's true

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gjenocide for all shkijet


>When Pshek becomes too uppity

Dude on the right could easily pass as an Arab.

qka probjlem be budal

Best post I've read from a bulgarian this year

30 CSKA vs 1 Levski

gypsy women look like THAT?
or do the real ones have missing teeth, stds and crocodil wounds

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They age like Latinas.

shkijet are aliexpress white people

I've seen a few who did look like that, but they're a minority. Also they already look old as fuck at 22.

>majmundonian iq

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Does Sloni live in Szeged or Bp?

why are makeqars like this

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Or somewhere else? I wouldn't tell you anyway.

He lives in Subotica in his moms basement

DUMBtugal lmao

post kapandura

Why don't you tell me?
I mean his uni. I think it could be PTE, SZTE or BME.

Fuck PISA where gypsy scores are acknowledged. Same for meme IQ tests. Test only university students and you have a proper picture.

>biurmian intellectuals

no wonder they can't even perform basic tasks like being bulgarian (requires 1 standard deviation higher iq lel)

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That's not a gypsy, that's an arab rapebaby in the picture.

Do you think he was baiting?

fake. it's lower than 82

>moortugal not red
newfag map