A literal perfection
A literal perfection
BigTasty is the best fasf tood hamburger
The fries at McDonalds are mediocre at best.
I expected an amerifat desu
I usually only go to mcdonald's when I'm visiting some weird country and don't have much time, and I don't feel like looking through endless reviews to find the one traditional restaurant that won't scame me.
>he didn't buy an oreo ice cream for 10kr
Poor people love Macdonald
until you eat kebab
Germany is poor country
replace the coke with iced tea and it is perfect
yes but without the disgusting pickles and onions
lol me too
I haven't eaten fat food in a decade. you disgust me
Must such living in usa then
>pickles on the burger
This is perfection.
Allahu Kebabar
Fucking subhuman, you're worse than american feminists
basert og maccernpillet
Literal soyboys
The pickle is the best part of a cheeseburger
>ruining your food on purpose
Why would you willingly eat shit(pickles)?
Based I want to eat a burger
Pickle are really good you have to get them nice and crisp with garlic, dill, etc. so delicious. The ones on a $1 mcd burger are not as good, but whatever
You have shit taste mate. Pickles are great. A burger without pickles is pointless.
Should i buy Mc Donalds today guys?
How is removing something that was put there to lower the quality of the meal sóy? It's like if you knew someone would leave a turdnugget in your burger but you purposefully leave it there because it adds more flavor.
Are you allowed to? Is McDonald's open in the lockdown?
Yeah resturants are all open, they're just not allowed to let people eat there.
I know a much better meal
>not rolled properly
get the fuck out of here
>lower the quality of the meal
pickle is the best part of the burger you stupid soy
Rolled? It's not a kebab roll. It's a kebab plate.
McDonalds is open here but you have to do drive thru, you cant go in and you definitely can't play on the playplace.
Lockdown is a memedown and designed to get all American extra fat
Order a jar of pickles then you fag, I'm there for the burger not some disgusting salty cucumber
You never eat a good pickle then
>you definitely can't play on the playplace
I would start a protest.