Do Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18? What the fuck?

Do Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18? What the fuck?

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why do ipipos hate their family

im 30 and still here
im cute so they like me around

It is strange.
As for the post, if he does not intend to go to University immediately, he should find a temporary job for the year he misses. But it is silly to throw your son out of the house when he very obviously lacks the means to sustain himself.

you should naturally be leaving your parents house when you're about to be 18
there's nothing cool about being a failure of a neet unless your plan is to save the good chunk of money you've been earning for a year or two

Specially during a pandemic, how could you hate your family like that?

imagine if your son was american
yeah, would want to kick him out

At 18 if you can't figure out how to live and take care of yourself physically and financially, then the only thing that is going to finally get those lessons through is the sink or swim method. My youngest brother is the only one who wasn't encouraged to start his own life after high school, and of all 5 of my siblings he is the only one who can't put his life together. He's 31 still lives at home andworks at the same part time job as he did in high school and has dropped out of college twice. That is what keeping kids around the house after they are no longer kids does to them.

There's a difference between living with your parents and being a NEET.

Why would you pay rent to a stranger, and share your place with roommates, when you could be living at home with your family?

I wasn't taking the pandemic into account. I was under the impression that we were discussing the general case.
In the general case, he cannot waste a year. So, either he must go into further education, or he must start working. As for kicking him out, it is not an option either way. He obviously does not have the means to sustain himself.

I bought a house at 18, it must suck to be poor

yes. happened to me.
because families here are a completely broken disaster and they dont actually like each other. i havent spoken to my parents in 6 years and i dont plan on ever seeing them again in my life.

Obviously. It is entirely appropriate that he lives with his parents until he is economically independent.

a lot of families do. It's pretty fucked up honestly I know a lot of friends who are now stuck doing some minimum wageslave job just to get by and had to drop out of Uni when if their parents had supported them instead of this autistic "kick the bird out of the nest" mentality, they would've been engineers or doctors or something

How does that happen?

>hes our only child, our baby
why are women like this? fucking kick him out and let him learn to handle life, comfort is the mind killer

people grow from having to deal with shit on their own

I don't get it either. Most people don't even graduate high school until they're 19. How the fuck are you supposed to get a job, find a place to live and completely sustain yourself when you haven't even finished school?

There's literally nothing wrong with living with your parents if you're not some neet loser and contribute to the household financially and by other means.

based and truthpilled

I live with my dad and I'm not a neet nor have i been ever save a few months after uni where i was unemployed. Fuck neets but there's nothing wrong with being an adult making an income and living in any arbitrary place including your parents house. If you have to go on your own you'll need to take out loans or pay tent which are both scams. I think this culture was forced on people by bankers.

Short answer: Jews.

Long answer: Boomers were raised in a period of opulence that has literally never been experienced by humanity and will not be experienced again for millennia. Because of how easy it was to get an education, training, a job, a house, a car, and a variety of luxury goods, they're under the opinion that you need to go out and get stuff NOW because it just falls off the vine. You could get a job paying $150,000/year with an associate's degree, so fastforward decades and clearly the only reason that wouldn't be the case today is because this generation is just so gosh darn lazy and immoral. Getting a job is just "walk into the bosses office, give him a firm handshake, and ask when you can start". Why? Because that's how it was when they were 18, back when the US was effectively the only industrial economy in the world and was going through a period of enormous fiscal expansion and loans were cheap and banks were begging people to take them.

So the economy got used to that and so society got used to that. Atomization sets in. Americans see their jobs as a large part of themselves. You can see this in many older Americans, where their entire social life IS their job. They have no one else to talk to outside of work. Distractions (TV, movies, videogames) further drive people apart. Adults work 9-5, kids are sent to school 8-4. So long apart, no bonding occurs. Lacking any capacity to deal with our emotions (thanks, Protestantism), drift sets in. Why bother trying to have a discussion with your family member and risk looking weak, when you can just say "ok boomer" and play vidya. The state will keep your parents from actually disciplining you. Then you turn 18, and suddenly the state is no longer there, and yes, your parents damn well can kick you out now. The state stepped in to try and prevent malicious activity, and that means that there's absolutely no reason to be a good person, you just have to be a not-bad person.

The american enters life by making a ritual blood-sacrifice against his will, he is beaten and emotionally abused for years
He is fed mind altering drugs and hormones to turn him docile
Then when he is 18 he is made homeless by his own family.

>get home from school on a friday
>user youre 18 you need to go now
>user youre old enough now
>i have no money
>out you go user
>but im still in highschool where do i live?
>out you go
im only lucky because my friends parents told me to live with them. actually his dad called my parents mad as fuck asking how i was supposed to find a job,a car, and a place to live over a weekend. also our end of the year exams were also during this time. my parents hung up on him. since then ive had to work horrid little wage jobs to pay for my things. i ended up not going to college. later i was able to find a tiny little apartment.

>how did you get kicked out from your house so early?
>Short answer: Jews.

Hahahahahahha. Holy shit, they really do

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A lot of people in this country also have a hard time understanding that mental abstractions they've built in their minds may only be part of a much larger system and that their lived experiences might not be the whole of it. Back during Obama's first term, there was a big push about how America needed more nurses, there was a NURSING SHORTAGE! Hospitals were understaffed! So many Americans got their daughters to go to Nursing School, and they spent four years accruing debt.

And then in the year of their graduation, Obama imported half a million Mexican nurses who all worked for minimum wage, leaving millions of American girls jobless and saddled with debt. In his second term, the same stunt was pulled, only this time it was Flip nurses.

Many Americans don't get this, because the idea they have is "college->good job". Whatever means you need to get into college are fine, because hey, good job, right? The idea that "good job" was a temporary material condition is completely alien to them, because we're so saturated in this idea that "college->good job". Even worse, the idea that the entire idea itself is just a construct created by malicious outside forces (the entire nursing scheme was done solely to get American women to take out loans, thereby acting as an infusion of cash to the financial sector) is COMPLETELY alien. In fact, it's a conspiracy theory, and alleging that such things could even possibly occur makes you a bad person who should not be associated with.

Do you have a source for this? Sounds genuinely interesting

Lemme see what I can dig up, I remember reading about this fucking years ago and am citing from memory.

It's worth noting that Obama did not invent this trick or something, Bush did it with nurses as well (albeit I believe in smaller number) and also with welders.

>o Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18?
Rarely, living with mom and dad into your 20s is more common than ever. 1/3 of Americans aged 18-35 (!!) live with their parents. I know a guy in his 40s living with his mom.
Kicking a kid out only happens if the parents and kid don't get along Sometimes people butt heads, a kid is stubborn, parents are stubborn, whatever. Once you are an adult you're an adult.

Also reddit posts are pretty much always fictional, didnt bother even reading the OP image. You should spend less time on reddit more time in the real world.

Someone staying home in their early 20s seems reasonable

Here its common for people to stay home until they marry, and parents move in with kids when they do.

A """mother""" that won't drop her husband without batting an eye to protect her children, is a shit mother and deserves the rope.
In civilised countries with proper family bonds, if the husband behaved like that he'd be the one getting the boot, losing his son *and* wife *and* the house most probably.

I was gonna memepost "by kicking your son out at 18" but then I saw this and felt sad. It's not a meme anymore, just reality.

>Someone staying home in their early 20s seems reasonable
Its very reasonable, especially for Americans and our "extended adolescence".
In the USA, independence is valued. You want space, you want freedom, you can't get this as easily when living with relatives.

American boomers are sociopaths. They would prefer to sacrifice their child over the US economy not growing up.

Their logic behind it is like this: My child doesn't take a mortgage > it makes the economy $200k poorer > the kid is bad and should be killed

>move out at 18 and get trapped in minimum wage work for survival
>move out when you're ready - with savings, skills and a plan

this happens in every country, foreign workers are cheaper in all fields

This is what I don't understand. Where's the freedom in paying a landlord and living with strangers/roommates?

One wonders if there is more to this story. Maybe the child is not really his and he discovered the truth but said nothing about it.

> Where's the freedom in paying a landlord and living with strangers/roommates?
There's not, those things are also seen as undesirable. However, roommates/strangers can't tell you what to do. Landlord can kinda tell you what to do, but less so than a parent can.

I'm paying a landlord and I can come and go whenever I please, make as much noise as I want, decorate the house the way I want, have sex in the living room and kitchen. When I have kids or relatives living here--it would get harder. My freedom is restricted as more people live with me and I have to be considerate of them, their sleep schedules, their worries, their tastes in decoration. Having a child means you can't have sex in the living room for possibly up to 25+ years. This is a big sacrifice, "paying a landlord" doesn't even come close.

Or maybe its a fucking reddit post designed to get upvotes, karma and replies from other redditors most of whom live with their parents well into their 30s and so this story would resonate with them especially?

Wow, that is horrible.
Were they normal parents before that or did you always know they resented you?