
looking for answers edition

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>*David Attenborough narrating*
>The waters of the Irish sea are teeming with all kinds of sealife imagi...
>*furiously turns off the telly and storms off*

does jelqing actually work?

/brit/ 24 hour drum and bass set

good mawnin' ma'am
and isn't it a luuvly mawnin'

very remote little church there

no that was about the time it started to become a reality show network

The anti-globalist dream team

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Can we please just follow the janny's rules? can't be doing with this rubbish


come on finlad come and give us a kiss Finlad give us a smooch Come on mate come Here give us a kissy kissy Smooch come on finlad

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Run away but tell the lads we flaite a little and had anshag

Seen an escort last night, jokes on her though, im actually getting paid to shag

as i was saying:
just survived hitting my little toe against the bed

oh my days

I do not give coronavirus permission to infect me, my family, or any people/dogs I know, in both the past and the future. By posting this statement, I give my notice to the coronavirus that it is strictly forbidden to infect me, infect anybody close to me, make me I'll, send me or any of my family members into quarantine, or take any other action against me on the basis of my body and/or its contents. The wellness of my body is private and confidential. The violation of my privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute). Note: Coronavirus is now a pandemic and this applies to all other potentially pandemic viruses including Bird Flu.

So 3 mentally ill nutjobs and a war criminal who gases children

who is top left?

t. jannys personal willy polisher

What do jelqing do? Or supposed to do


yeah, gonna sub out galloway for McAfee


Absolutely mental what how I Shag so much

absorbs some of your bollock mass to increase your willy girth

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anyone been watching the recent graham norton eps? are they still good or are they a bit weird?

make your dick bigger supposedly

*lets finlad off the leash*

really? History channel? what shows do they have

now you've done it


the only based faggot to ever exist

me on the bottom

Celebs aren't getting drunk enough so it's a bit cringe when the Americans just sit there not joining in and just want to do their practised lines about whatever they're promoting.

Can't stop listening to Brisbane based Xsubgenre-rock bands

the sheriff is a n-

i've only done the jigsaw puzzle
i would have done the work call in pyjamas but i don't own any

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unlucky m8

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Don't have a soyjack intense enough to reply to this post with

bit weird depends on the guests and how much effort they put in
thandie newman for instance was clearly drunk and bit annoying
michael sheen gave it his all with a mock version of millionaire
not really worth watching but it's alright fopr background noise

always wake up at 8am after I've been drinking. So I've started leaving a shot of whisky out and drinking it when I wake up so I can go back to sleep. Otherwise I won't be able to sleep.

Anyone else?

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if you cant do 50 push ups you belong in the kitchen

good lad

mad how the best episodes of the show are just the yanks getting plastered and actually finally behaviing like human beings

only alive cause the russians support him in proxy wars
>alex jones
bit of a retard, hypocrite cos he worships trump and ship, alleged CIA plant
>george galloway
who cares
>wikileaks man
don't know don't care
would like to alex jones mc in a dnb rave

Been doing AMRAP sets each morning and for the life of me can't get more than 25. Will hopefully get to 30 after a couple of rest days.

i am the 40%

>ancient aliens
>celebrating 10 years

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just send a dirty picture to me /brit/
just send me a dirty picture

make me a sandwich please

>Hey, what if /x/ were a TV channel?

Was the prem shit this year or what? Ive been following Since i was a little kid and for whatever reason i couldnt give less of a fuck this season dunno if its cus im getting older or

the history channel focuses more on 'history' that is exaggerated or fake, or they just do shit about aliens or whatever.

How fucking shithouse is that giants documentary, Funlad
Every one they have this knockout proof that giants exist but then the twist is they don't find it and then monologue about how they're still really sure giants exist
That's how all those documentaries go

Liverpool won the league, we're just waiting for permission to claim our trophy


based antipodes leading the way lads

There was really a live rap concert on Fortnite? Zoomers are crazy

Can't win the league if they cancel the league.

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Liverpool were on course to pull off the greatest Premier League season in history. Covid-19 was created by Saudi Arabia to prevent Liverpool from breaking all of Man City's records.

Can't cancel the league, too much legal liability

heard a few spotify ads going on about rapping and fortnite and I had no idea what exactly was being advertised

the globalists don't want you to watch this


>Liverpool won the league
No they didn’t

Nothing's more deserving of one than having ever posted a soyjack

yeah quite good how we've done it, less than 100 deaths to america's 50,000

everything on youtube is always significantly older than I remember them being

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can't be cancelled. it's postponed and played at a later date or called early

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is this real?

will play it safe and not watch then x

Really good documentry on debunking ancient aliens
really satisfying


norton just went fucking MENTAL when I moused over this post

They've already said that voiding it is off the table.


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norton is owned by the globalists