A continent of rape. Created through it, shaped by it and haunted by it

A continent of rape. Created through it, shaped by it and haunted by it.

And it shows in the mentality.

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Latin America isn't a contient
Read a geography book

It would be fine if it was only the original rape by the colonizers, that wouldn't be so bad.
No, what makes it worse is the rape by the USA. Mental, physical and ideological rape.

>A continent of rape. Created through it, shaped by it and haunted by it.

>And it shows in the mentality.
Explain why they aren't Caucasian if they are rape babies?

Congrats on showing us how fucked a Swiss mind can be

>And it shows in the mentality.
What is the South American mentality?

That's why they're based

Mongrel complex
Fetishization of their rapists - an impotent desire to get back at them overwhelmed by adoration and worship of their conquerors.

That's the Cuck that supports stuff like this

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Yes Joao. These people raped your country into existence, that's why it's the tranny capital of the world now.
But they didnt rape it nearly as much as the Americans.


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im Q haplogroup

He is not swiss.

>What is the South American mentality?
There is no such thing as one sudaca mentality, sudaca america is a diverse region with different peoples and different ways of thinking

I remember when I was in Switzerland and posting the same dumb shit I post from Brazil and everyone praised me and called me a maverick then as soon as I landed in brazil it switched to “stfu monkey you don’t know what you’re talking about”

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Here he is seething at germans. He is probably russian

>rape by the USA. Mental, physical and ideological rape

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Are you shitting on the victim here? I hope not, because colonialism is truly evil.

It's not rape if they like it

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Also murder.
Homever we'll survive the next 100 years, while Europe will go extinct

This is Latin America

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it should also include Antarctica

Ya te vi, Jung.

>Mongrel complex

Fucking this

Not me lol

mont people in Northe america also have tiny amounts to visible amounts of native american blood

Trying to explain their behaviour and unfortunate circumstance. Why they act like they do, why they're so damaged, why they worship whiteness and white women and feel envious of them.


but this Idea is old.
check out Franz Fanon. You haven't invented anything new.

thx I will

>A continent of rape. Created through it, shaped by it and haunted by it.
>And it shows in the mentality.

Basically this
Our white elite is still a bunch of colonizers

wonder why

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>Fetishization of their rapists

My family is italian like 30% of people in Sao Paulo. 80% of people in Sao Paulo state are great-grandchildren from people who arrived here in the end of the XIX and the XX centuries

Can you explain how we are rape babies?

I prefer my manly shithole before any of your cuck countries

Form over 1k dna testa, I'm still yet to see a brazialian who scores 100% euro. The vast majorityof brazilains don't have 8 european greatgrandparents like you're saying, no not in saopaulo and not in the south

Your entire country is built on rape mentality. I never called anyone a rapebaby. The biggest rape was the American political rape of your countries.

I'm so proud of my children :3

And can I help you with something?

The fact that you wan to to be a "chad" gives him some reason.
