>German friends invite me to dinner
>his roommates gf makes noodles with tomato sauce and courgette
>most disgusting shit I've ever tasted
>afterwards they whip out the shopping bill and start calculating individual ingredient costs per person
and these are the people who make fun of you for living with your parents.
German friends invite me to dinner
How much did you have to pay?
zucchini in tomato sauce is so fucking disgusting
why do people keep doing it?
No way this is real
I didn't have to pay since the guy invited me. But it came out to 2-3€/person I think
>afterwards they whip out the shopping bill and start calculating individual ingredient costs per person
hahahaha wtf
that meal lacks protein
also why should you pay if you're invited
if it's a few € per person per meal it's understandable to share costs if you're poor students
but if you manage to pay that much for noodles, tomato sauce and courgette you're probably retarded
you have to go back
but having you pay for it is indeed autistic, especially if it's made by a young w*meme that can't cook
How do you fuck up pasta with tomato and courgette sauce lmao
Do germans really?
It’s fucked up to begin with
I like courgettes
i was expecting this to end somehow scat related
>afterwards they whip out the shopping bill and start calculating individual ingredient costs per person
...do germans really?
Yes, I also charge my guests a little extra for the electricity needed to cook a meal that shit ain‘t paying itself
>invite someone to dinner
>make them pay for it
German hospitality
>cooking with electricity instead of gas
Hans, I-
>Invite someone to dinner
>They make you pay for it
Are euros really this penny pinching?
Germans and dutch are
Wait, maybe it's a north German thing, because down here when you get invited you aren't expected to pay at all.
They can‘t use the toilet either. I can‘t use it for at least 3 days after someone else took a shit in it. Sometimes I make an exception but only when they have to take a piss.
I have never heard the word "courgette" until this thread.
What about aubergine
You're lucky that they didn't gas you and make lampshades out of you
the chad german-dutch charger is superior to the med giver
Schnauze alman
I've also noticed how Germans are autistic about buying stuff. At bars/pubs they always individualy rather than as rounds.
Now I know you're lieing, a German would never refuse the chance to experience someone else's poopenschlafen
me neither, must be some retarded frog forced meme
ay lmao losers
Not wrong my Estonian friend.
I'm sorry you had to witness this behaviour
>hurr durr you can't split up cost fairly that's so uncool and autistic
is this why med countries beg for Eurobonds?
It's really fucking autistic though.
it isn't. Thinking you're too cool to ask for a fair share of the cost is autistic. Especially if you regularly cook for each other and have such expenses.
ffs, only in Germany or the US would someone CHARGE their guest after inviting them over.
And even then I think most Americans would be upset at the idea of charging their guests.
how expensive some noodles could be?
i mean, if you cannot afford them you shouldn't live alone.
the guest wasn't charged, read the thread. The flatmates cooked for each other and shared the costs.
>be german (or dutch)
>split the bill for a bag of chips