I made it to white country. It is no better. All is lie

Life miserable here. People earn more but all goes to same spendings as in poor country (food, rent, clothes, ...etc). End of day is same shit.

Quality of life is sames. OK sure, some things like hospital and police is less corrupt, but it no matter for you because they do not like immigrant, so it works out to just the same or even worse.
For example, healthcare is maybe better in Germany, but took me months to find doctors clinic that wanted to take me as patient. Everyone did not want immigrant patient. Now I do not trust them to give me good medical advice. Maybe they even poison me on purpose.

Only real positive, streets are cleaner and less drunks and savages on street.
But then hard to relax in nature. Not much nature around.

Also women do not like immigrant unless woman with problems in mind.
Such is life.

Attached: immigrant_pepe.png (300x398, 66.36K)



>less drunks and savages on street
don't go near the zoo

Hilarious post, thank you.

Is all true. Why you think is fake?

Is not funny. I wasted 10,000€ to have same life in Germany as I did home. But now I am foreigner who people hate or afraid of and also have no friends.

Post brown hand then
You’re a whitoid trying to convince people to stay in their shithole countries

Ele tem razao, desu...

Mudei pra ca e a unica diferenca e menos violencia. Ganho 1900€ depois de impostos como programador mas meu aluguel é 1000, gasto 100 por semana com comida, mais internet, etc... No final do mes nao tenho nada.

E tenho que lidar com falar mal a lingua e ser julgado assim que abro a boca e veem que sou imigrante.

Nice larp.