Why are French called Frogs?

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Because you are what you eat

stfu frog

Because medieval autistic Anglos thought these flour de lis looked like frogs

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Similar smell

because frogs are cute :3

Does Cora still sell bags of frozen frog legs? They did in the early 00s.

Why are brits called rosbif

all i heard was ribbit ribbit, faggot

How do you not know why?

Why are germans called krauts?

There're a few explanations really, the color of your coats during the 100 years war, the fact that you literally burn when vacationing here nowadays (sunny beaches and pale skin don't mix well), and the last one is the roasted beef was seen as typically British a few decades ago.
Same for us with frogs, "you are what you eat", etc.

Same as you and us, it's just a typical German dish (sauerkraut).

Same reason why Americans are called burgers, Germans are called krauts, Turks (or muslims in general) are called kebaps etc

Tfw you dont have a cure food name foreigners call you

shut up fairy bread

ok vegemite

Stfu shrimp

We call Italians frogs

>imagine eating snails and frogs

Back in the olden times they would hunt and eat frogs. So they got nickname "frogs"

In America, we call the Irish "micks"

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I was.really surprised when I found people calling the french "forgs", always thought its the Italians

Frogs are cool animals though
I wouldn't take it as an insult if I were you


Dunno. I guess you were famous for eating frogs around here?

but we don't eat frogs, at least not o a national scale

same here, "broscari" in romanian, frog eaters
apparently italians that immigrated to eastern europe in the late '800 ate frogs, maybe not even that much but eating frogs was so unheard of that the locals started calling italians frog eaters

il rumeno, signori


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I thought it was literally because some king of france or other bullshit had frogs on his flag. LITCHERALLY FRAWGS.


I never seen this IRL only online or in books from back in the day where actual Irish immigrants were common.