What are ulta-nationalists like in your country?

What are ulta-nationalists like in your country?
>LARPer incels who play Imperial Japanese music on loudspeakers on vans and shout at foreigners to go home.

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literal autist who worship government like it's mandated from heaven

Do they hate America?

Natives who insist you call them white and whites who insist you call them natives.

They suck the dick of an Austrian prince that came to rule us as emperor for a while.
They're not common at all so I don't know any other thing about them.

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a few mountain inbreeds screaming at balkan inbreeds

Arent many of those nationalists related to the yakuza?

Our nationalists here are usually spoiled angry middle class kids who worship the "era of discoveries" and mimick Yas Forums.
Then you have the old school working class nationalists who are more like "fuck niggers i love football, portugal is awsoeme"

Then you have the neo-pagans, the nordicboos, the libertarians, the nat-socs, etc etc

Do they like anime?

Are they secular or islamist?

They actually like America. They see them as a necessity for countering China etc

those tards died off in the 00s due to the internet and netouyos.
they didnt want to attack koreans cause many of them were actually zainichis larping japanese and went out of fashion

the classic right wing activities like that sank into the oblivion.

Family men

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I still see some yelling at street corners sometimes

Is political activism even a thing in Japan?


Nationalism is actually fairly mainstream among young Canadians, and basically boils down to "it would be cool if we had a coherent cultural identity like other countries we should do something about it".

Weirdly enough, antisemitism is also pretty common here.

F-250s blasting country music with a giant American flag mounted in the truck bed. The numbers of these I've seen has strongly diminished post 9/11 though.

They're federal agents

lol cucks

Generally a lot of cringey old bogans is what they show on the news but irl pretty based. Generally not smart but I like the ones I've met regardless

maybe in rural areas. i live in tokyo but they went extinct in the 00s so did bousouzoku. you still could see them but they ofc never accuse koreans. even chinks.

they only propagate some irrelevant shit like taking ryoudo islands back

bousouzoku arent zainichis though.

>ryoudo islands
hoppou ryoudo

There's fat mutts larping aryans and then boomer euro-sceptics that just want a real EU reform, but tend to be followed by cringey Yas Forums-tier incels that do not help the cause. I still miss rational Petry.

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Okay chang

Anti-semitism is definitively on the rise amongst the younger generations
I notice zoomers here using "jew" as an insult and when i was their age no one even knew/cared about jews, they were regarded as "those guys from the ww2 movies".

Literally the only people my age who discuss jew conspiracies etc are those who browsed imageboards but nowadays, its no longer a niche thing

In Korea, they are cringe
They are supporting ex-president criminal park and slaves for japanese and usa

Being a bosozoku must have been epic
Looks fun as fuck

The CIA is behind that

they still exist in tokyo but they are like a lone wolf that is tame af. you could see one once a year.

No one wants Chins supremacy LMAO

I find the bosozoku fascinating because they are an absolute typhoon in a society where everyone is so rigid and unflexible.
They are like the remains of a lost spirit of fierceness and livelihood

They are either a bunch of autists who worship dead dictators and love the United States or a bunch of autists who worship dead dictators and hate the United States

Americans are so benevolent that they pulled out of Germany once the USSR fell.

allot of them are marginals and low iq. but they are led by a relatively new small group of academics and intelectuals who shape up the image of the party.

you just replied to an islamist

Jesus, why do you hate nationalism so much ?

you fought a war with the us and lost badly thats the definition of cucks